Pics from a fun weekend

Is that salt or the columbia you are gunning - maybe alaska? I'd love to see what s under the grass on that rig - i suspect it is a BBSB. though if you are in the PNW, everyone on the site here knows Sutton is the only one with a real BBSB in the PNW bwhahahaaha.

Neat pics, thanks for sharing.

Your right, and for the record, Sutton is the only one out here with a true BBSB (wink, wink). I'm afraid I'm just left to using what you see there - a pile of grass with a hole (and a motor on the back).

Take care and have a good hunt this coming weekend,
Those are some great shots. I might start freezing the 1-2 birds a day I've been taking...then I can stack 'em up at the end of the season and take a picture like yours. ; ) Such is the feast or famine of huntin' the Flats!
Looks like a good shoot Tom. Is that the Astoria bridge in the background? HeHe We all know your boat is a Estuary by David Clark. You can't fool me.
It looks kinda like mine. Pic enclosed
Gary March


It's not the estuary, it'd be choked with hemlocks and alders in the background. My guess is east of The Dalles, how far up I don't know, it looks too arid to be lower Columbia.
I don't think it's east of The Dalles, but I won't speculate further.

Matt, I'll be in you neighborhood Thursday through Monday. If you see a big Bankes out by John Day, stop by and say howdy.
It's not the estuary, it'd be choked with hemlocks and alders in the background. My guess is east of The Dalles, how far up I don't know, it looks too arid to be lower Columbia.

"Estuary" is the model name of this sneakbox.
I'll stop and say hi if I see you. I won't be hunting this weekend, it go see the daughter and her family weekend. My grandson Nate is way to young to take hunting yet, his mom doesn't hunt, and Dad doesn't do anything that cuts into riding dirt bikes. The kid in the photo with me is my oldest grandson, and I'll be visiting his family the following weekend, after that it's my parents. Geeze, I'll have to take some vacation time if I want to hunt any before January! Plus my elk season starts this Saturday. Maybe I can get out for that Sunday afternoon, when we get back from the land of pale Portlanders.
I didn't know "estuary" was the name of the boat. Most people refer to what river you're hunting here anyway, I only hear government types call the lower river an estuary anyway, that should've clued me in.