Pictures from Boz


Well-known member
WizBos sent me some pictures of a conversion he did on a boat. I remember seeing the thread, but can't remember which one it was on soooooooo

here's the pictures....perhaps he can fill in some details.....




neat boat...

I sent you a PM with a better picture of the boat in action yesterday in pool 11 Mississippi. Still unable to post pictures on this site so appreciate your help.
wis boz
Thanks Greg and William--it still needs some tuning like camouflage etc. but should be good for big water. The color was matched to a small duck boat I've had for years with the paint being urethane. With our season almost over (hard to believe---it's 53 degrees here today?) it will make a good winter project.
wis boz
Hey Boz, I read the thread about your over spray issue. I had a Stury years ago that I turned into a big water rig and to keep the glare down I masked out an area roughly 8" high by 36" long and painted the windshield and frame. It allowed me just to get my head behind the windshield and be able to see on those days when the winds were cold and the spray was coming over the bow. The little bit of plexiglass that wasn't painted never seemed to both anything if I was using the boat as a blind. Just a thought. Glad your getting out. Hope you've had a good season. Terrible weather for duckin around here. So far one duck shot out of our blind this year. A Woody I got early on. It's 61 degrees as I type this. I've talked to a few that are getting some but not many ducks in the island potholes we're hunting. I have 6 more opportunities to get out. Hopefully when they come through I'll be waiting.
I explored all the suggestions for removing that paint spray but didn't have time to put any in play. Discovered hunting that the overspray didn't bother the visibility, cut the glare and of course still cut the wind so I may just leave it ?
wis boz
Well, Mr. Duck Hunter, that boat looks just great. I am hoping that you are having a good year, Jim.