pirogue question

Dave M

Well-known member
What is the average width of the pirouges you guys use for hunting ? I have decided i am going to build one because it does not take alot of time and will give me the ability to get to those out of the way spots . I like the idea of the stability but is it neccasary to go wider the the 20/32 inch range with such a flat bottom in a 14 foot model . Thanks for any help you could give me

Dave M
see if Bill Burress will post you a pic of the " dog " he built. Cedar strip and sweeeeeeet !

I have given some thought to the pirogue as well, but from what I have heard from a few that have built them is that they are quite tippy and are probably best suited for closed/sheltered waters. Anything with a slight current, and you might be bummin. I checked out bateau.com and looked at the Hiawatha canoe. It is similar to a pirogue but it has a rounded chine and looks to be a bit more stable. I am seriously thinking of building one. The site says you could build the hull in 3 or 4 days and the bill of materials looks fairly cheap.

Dutch ,

I would be using it for areas with a little current but the places i plan to go in are about 10 fet deep max and about 10 feet wide all small water . I am just not to keen on the "tippy" thing maybe i should look at something else like the canoe that Nate is speaking about ? I am not sure , i want something fast but it has to be above all safe to gun out of if need be . Now I am Confused . Back to the drawing board Thanks guys


What happened to this option Dave?

Remember someone built it on this site? Very cool boat... looks NON-tippy.


Still an option , i was just thinking about the weight of it , i wanted something real light but want to build it , the pirogue seemed to have best of both worlds . I want something that i can get 2 guys in with a few dekes and a dog nothing big , all the canoes i have looked at are not eactly what i want , they have the length but lack the width for stability , the wider canoes are to long for what i want , i am looking at something about 14 foot max that is wide for shooting out of if need be , i am not worried about the stability while shooting i have an idea i want to try to solve that issue, lastly i do not have alot of extra time so it needs to be simple to build in the least amount of time , you know Andrew i am like you always in high gear , except you get things done while i am sucking in your dust . I will keep looking .

"Dusty" Dave
Dave... I'm afraid that there is no such thing... i.e. car topper + the stability you seek. You know, I see guys whip these alum jon boats out of their pickups... mount the 5 hp and off they go...

I can just see Nathan reaching over to grab a branch and Uncle Dave taking an early shower in his new canoe ; )

Fun search though.
Nate ,

That looks like a cool boat for waht we want to do , can i ask what you are looking to do with the boat < rivers, streams ? I am going back to searching for the "perfect" boat not that that will ever happen . How about Devin's poke boat ? I know someone here built one a few years back but i cannot rmemeber who it was . Good luck keep me up to date on your search and i will do the same .

Dave M
And it is a very good boat. Mine came in about 85 # and with a loader I can put it on top of my pickup. This year I am going to use a loader and carry it on top of a hunting trailer. I will try to get some pics up for you guys. Also with a canoe portage trailer I can tow it behind a 4 wheeler or by hand.

IF you are looking to build another boat, this might fit your needs. It's a 10' Gatorboat "Bullfrog". Cedar strip, flat bottom. It's farily stable and about 80 lbs. Takes a small outboard, but paddles ok. It is not very hard to build, but does take more time than a Pirouge




That Bullfrog looks cool Dave...

Tom... are you the one that built that great Devlin Poleboat with the motor mount? That was a great post...

Hi David,

I would use that boat for some backwater woodduck spots and probably some places on the salt marsh that have a little current. I've been wanting to hunt the Ipswich River for a while and a nice canoe or skiff is perfect for that area where the water is slow moving but deep in some spots. I think that boat would also be great for areas like the Merrymeeting Bay, back portions of Casco Bay, Great Bay in NH, and even Parker River. I don't think I would take a pirogue on some of those areas, but a canoe/skiff/kayak would be good.

One thing to think about is that you can buy ( or build) small outriggers for a canoe, which will greatly increase the stability. I guess you could use one on a priouge also. You might want to look at building a canow if you want to build, there is a home built canoe called the seven hour canoe of sometingh like that. Go to wooden boats forum and ask about building a canoe over there.
That is me and thanks for the kind words. I am going to post a couple pics of the motor mount if I can find and resize them. I really like the boat, hunted out of it most last year before I tore up my back and lost my Walker.
I just figured out why I had forgotten... because you used to post as "Wicker..." in those days...

I remember now.

Thanks, A>
what about a Kara hummer or robber?

Can be built light and sure are stable. No problem to shoot out of one.
You're asking a lot out of this design, easy to build, light, 2 men can gun out of it and it's stable. You're definitely talking about a boat that will be trailered. You might consider Gatorboat's Duckhunter. A pirogue is completely out of the question as far as gunning out of it is concerned, and only one of the larger pirogues with an experienced pilot will handle two men, a dog, and dekes. I've done that in South Louisiana and gotten wet more than once, I wouldn't try that in Rhode Island in the winter that's for sure. Now when I lived in California, we used an Old Towne 165 canoe and handled two men, dog, dekes, and camo material in very choppy water during some of those winter Pacific storms (right on the coast) and it was car topped to the WMA, and it delivered on all your requirements except for the gunning out of one. Now I did gun out of it alone a couple of times, but it was dicey. That canoe has just as shallow a draft as a pirogue, and weighs something like 80 lbs.

if you want come over to CT for the waterfowlers day on the 30th. I am bring my Kara. You can check it out in the pond.