

New member
Got a guy building some pods for my boat and was wondering how important it is that the pods be looking up 1/2" in the rear or will it be fine to have them level with the bottom of the boat?
Sent an email to fisher beavertail and they said that the biggest reason for raising pods at the rear is for pushing off. Other than that he said its no big deal.
We've welded PODS on about a 1/2 dozen boats over the last (2) two years.

Depending on the motor being run, a good gauge is the same as installing TRIM TABS on a boat.

Use anything flat/straight (yard stick/2x2/etc) & place it on the bottom of the boat so it sticks past the transom & PAST where you want the pods to end.

MOST IMPORTANT, from their the pods should begin @ the edge of the transom/bottom & angle UP 1/2 - 3/4 of an inch.

This way when in REVERSE the boat will semi plane & weeds/mud/muck will run underneath the PODS/BOTTOM & not get hung up around the transom.

Also, it would not have you PLANING so flat when up & running but will still afford you the stability when running through the shiat.

We run alot of hydrilla, hyacinths & of course mud & the BACK ANGLE is the entire trick to installing pods.

BTW, the flat bottom/no chine hulls like the GD, PD & GT are the toughest to make fit due to the curve of the transon/gunnel.

We use a torch with a sooty flame to form the curves as we tack it to the hull.

Good Luck!!!
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