Raising the transom height?

Joe Giurfa

I just picked up a Four rivers 2 man boat and got a sweet deal on a little evinrude 4 horse to go with it. I was wondering how the more experienced folks on here would go about raising the transom height so that I can mount my motor to sit a little higher up. I have seen the jack plate but thought that might be overkill for such a little boat.

thanks to all

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Funny, I just posted this for Charlie Foulds. You can have a bracket fabbed from aluminum that is like an upside down U with the corners squared off. From there you can cut a piece of treated lumber to go inside however much you need to shim it up. Bolt the bracket to the transom along with the motor. Looks pretty much like this, the motor was shimmed up about 2". In your case I would probably 5200 everything on once you get the height where you want it as well.


I did the same thing on a boat, but I was low-er tech, I had two aluminum plates bent into "L" shapes, and overlapped the short ends on the top. Worked fine for what I needed. The guy at the metal shop said it would be difficult to do that double bend and I wasn't about to argue. I never had a problem with that setup, but only used it for a short while.
