Real Names & Identity Theft

Capt Jeff Kraynik

Well-known member
There is another rather large duck hunting internet site that was recently bought by a retailer & is now implouding from some needed changes that the new owners have implimented.

The new admin asked for suggestions on how to the site & stop some of the poor posts, porno & bulling that is very prevalent.

I suggested that I belong to (2) two sites (this included) that require some form of your real name stating that would never tolarate the "Keyboard Cowboyism" that reins there!!!

Some agreed that it was a good idea & others stated they did not want there "real names" on a public site.

Now, I've been an LEO for (29) twenty-nine years & have never heard of someones identity being stolen off of a site like

Has anyone here ever had that problem???

I for one always register under my real name & believe if keeps the internet crap down to a minimum.
There is another rather large duck hunting internet site that was recently bought by a retailer & is now implouding from some needed changes that the new owners have implimented.

The new admin asked for suggestions on how to the site & stop some of the poor posts, porno & bulling that is very prevalent.

I suggested that I belong to (2) two sites (this included) that require some form of your real name stating that would never tolarate the "Keyboard Cowboyism" that reins there!!!

Some agreed that it was a good idea & others stated they did not want there "real names" on a public site.

Now, I've been an LEO for (29) twenty-nine years & have never heard of someones identity being stolen off of a site like

Has anyone here ever had that problem???

I for one always register under my real name & believe if keeps the internet crap down to a minimum.

Is the porn duck related?
Some agreed that it was a good idea & others stated they did not want there "real names" on a public site.

So what do they do when they are "out in public" ? Do they use a fake name when they go to the public post office, the public library or the town resturant? The argument against using your real name doesn't hold much water IMHO.
When DHBP first opened up with this new version years ago, there was one poster that had claimed he was targetted and robbed based on his real name account on a forum he used. It was not this one or the Refuge, but some other forum. There was a long thread about it some years ago.

Stealing a person's identity usually takes a lot of work and knowledge. However, if a person chooses to jump on the social networking bandwagon and post every detail of their personal life to Facebook and then shares that info across several forums then they are asking to have their ID hijacked IMO.

With the recent national outing of a reddit member that was one seriously creepy dude, an offended person created a tumblr account called Predditors that outed the creepy losers that posted creeper photos to reddit subforums. Its all public info that the creeps posted on their own for the world to see. It was simple to get their real names, and collect info from their Facebook accounts since they had the security set to public and linked their accounts across forums. One of the things that I found funny about the situation was that there are people on reddit that think that only people with reddit accounts can see what is going on with the subforums. These are not the sharpest tools in the shed. reddit is an open forum viewable by anyone with access to the internet.

As for using a real name on a forum, unless you have some open public records like what appear in federal court documents, or a sex offender registry, not much can be gained by just your name alone. A thief needs some hard data to get something moving. You are at more of a risk having bluetooth enabled on your smart phone or loosing your smart phone and not having password protected accounts. Anyone that links a credit card to their Apple ID is just a fool. But its still not hard core ID theft. That takes a lot more work.

Over on that other site, I do miss the Texans on their state forum. Those guys were funny. Too bad they got all butt hurt over the rules being enforced finally and took their ball and went home.
When DHBP first opened up with this new version years ago, there was one poster that had claimed he was targetted and robbed based on his real name account on a forum he used. It was not this one or the Refuge, but some other forum. There was a long thread about it some years ago.

Stealing a person's identity usually takes a lot of work and knowledge. However, if a person chooses to jump on the social networking bandwagon and post every detail of their personal life to Facebook and then shares that info across several forums then they are asking to have their ID hijacked IMO.

With the recent national outing of a reddit member that was one seriously creepy dude, an offended person created a tumblr account called Predditors that outed the creepy losers that posted creeper photos to reddit subforums. Its all public info that the creeps posted on their own for the world to see. It was simple to get their real names, and collect info from their Facebook accounts since they had the security set to public and linked their accounts across forums. One of the things that I found funny about the situation was that there are people on reddit that think that only people with reddit accounts can see what is going on with the subforums. These are not the sharpest tools in the shed. reddit is an open forum viewable by anyone with access to the internet.

As for using a real name on a forum, unless you have some open public records like what appear in federal court documents, or a sex offender registry, not much can be gained by just your name alone. A thief needs some hard data to get something moving. You are at more of a risk having bluetooth enabled on your smart phone or loosing your smart phone and not having password protected accounts. Anyone that links a credit card to their Apple ID is just a fool. But its still not hard core ID theft. That takes a lot more work.

Over on that other site, I do miss the Texans on their state forum. Those guys were funny. Too bad they got all butt hurt over the rules being enforced finally and took their ball and went home.

I'm with Ray, with all the knuckleheads putting EVERYTHING on Facebook, I don't feel that this forum is a huge risk.
Unless someone posts their SSN or a credit card number I don't know how it is any more likely then just a random identity theft.

Having two common names together like Tim Jones I have had much more trouble with the states of SD and IA sharing information with others looking for dead beats (other dead beats, not me:)). Often those collection agencies have info you could only get from a state agency. That scares me a lot more then putting my real name on here.

I've been to a couple other sites that use real names and it does cut down on the BS even if they could just make up 'real' names.

I use my real name on every site I'm registered on. Which is about six sites or so. I think a lot don't want to use there real nomes so they can say what they want and act just plain stupid. I didn't know the refuge was having trouble but then I don't go there a great deal. I know they doubled the cost of the advertising I was doing on the site. It's still very resonable I just haven't gottten around to renewing it. I've been on an Ohio hunting site of which I know the owner of the site and he gets a lot of crap from posters. It doesn't take too big of balls not to use your real name. They have an agreement that you have to agree to before joining most sites. You just can't fix stupid.
unfortunately for the fuge, the new owners don't realize that 90% of the people came to that forum for the BS and entertainment. This site is top notch, no doubt, that's why i've been here so long. But the fact that there is no BS is why it has few members and no revolving banners/sponsors/payment etc. Sites like this one are few and far between (good for us, bad for business). If they bought the fuge as a business venture, it's about to go the way of SDH. you can't have your cake and eat it too
unfortunately for the fuge, the new owners don't realize that 90% of the people came to that forum for the BS and entertainment. This site is top notch, no doubt, that's why i've been here so long. But the fact that there is no BS is why it has few members and no revolving banners/sponsors/payment etc. Sites like this one are few and far between (good for us, bad for business). If they bought the fuge as a business venture, it's about to go the way of SDH. you can't have your cake and eat it too
Agree with the above,,every site has its niche. I go to the fuge for different reasons than I come here. I enjoy both sites
Two different sites with two different atmospheres. If I want to eat at McDonald's I would not go to Burger King and order a Big Mac. Even though Burger King says I can have it my way they would not make me a Big Mac.
The other site is a place I like to go to have fun and escape every day BS. It is also a very large forum. Those days seem like they are gone since the new owners took over.
This site is more serious for me and smaller.
Both sites have their places or maybe I should say had their places since the other site appears to be on it's death bed. The other site should have been left alone since there was nothing wrong with the way it was.

I went over and read your suggestion and the resistence that it met. Just remember this, that site appears to be on brink of collapsing and we are strong. Now I ask, who got it right?

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I went over and read your suggestion and the resistence that it met. Just remember this, that site appears to be on brink of collapsing and we are strong. Now I ask, who got it right?


My point exactly!!!

The Fuge does have its place & for the most part the place was for "ball bustin" & just having some fun.

The new owners are definaitely in a pickle in regards to sponsors vs. internet sales biz.

Just because you have product placement on the WS site doesn't give you free rein to support it on the Fuge if it is in direct conflict with a paying sponsor.

Even though I seemed to miss all the excitement, the mods are calling it the "Texas Uprising" & implied it got pretty nasty.

Hopefully they will pull off a miracle for all the paying sponsors!!!
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The way you were treated by a mod in the suggestion thread is the way most others were treated. It was not butthurt as you called it. The owners asked for suggestions, suggestions were given and the majority were told to shut up because we were being trouble makers. Just like you were told by a mod that you create drama and are smoking funny stuff after you gave a suggestion that they asked for. During the early stages of the Texas Uprising people spoke out, threads were deleted and people were banned. It was after all lines of communication were severed that several people revolted, posted porn and started cussing. Those that remained civil were lumped in with the rest that posted porn. The owner offered a fake appology and threads were still deleted. They said all members were unbanned and it doesn't say banned under their names but they can not post. There was a lot that took place the night of the revolt that most did not see. I watched it all play out and the boys from Texas had it right. The majority of them led the revolt since it was on their forum that sparked the largest fire by the deletion of the kid's clothing thread. They tried to remain civil at first but admin would have no part in listening.
Without the members there is no forum and that was the message people were trying to get out. Sponsers are not immune to this as you can tell since you were personally attacked by a mod there in the suggestion thread. Even though you pay the bills to keep the lights on you have no say in what happens there and have been told to quit causing drama just like the rest of us. The damage is already done and the mods and admin continue to take it the way of the DoDo bird.

I went over and read your suggestion and the resistence that it met. Just remember this, that site appears to be on brink of collapsing and we are strong. Now I ask, who got it right?


I just hope we don't get too big an influx of lost souls - at least it will entertaining. :).
I am of the opinion that this is the friendliest and most civil forum I have visited and it is the one I spend the most time at. I also think it is the most helpful and informative and I believe that is no accident. People will offer up opinions and information without fear of being attacked. It all stems from the inability to hide behind an internet alias and the requirement to use real names. Support this with no nonsense moderators with a clear sense of what reasonable boundaries are and you have a great website.

I can't believe there is enough information here to get anyone started on ID theft. There is far more information to be found on Facebook or LinkedIn.

As a small aside... I have habitually resisted the temptation to participate in any commercial sites owned or run by manufacturers or retailers. I just don't like the brand product focus and I get really tired of the Pro Staff BS.
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I am of the opinion that this is the friendliest and most civil forum I have visited and it is the one I spend the most time at. I also think it is also the most helpful and informative and I believe that is no accident. People will offer up opinions and information without fear of being attacked. It all stems from the inability to hide behind an internet alias and the requirement to use real names. Support this with no nonsense moderators with a clear sense of what reasonable boundaries are and you have a great website.

I can't believe there is enough information here to get anyone started on ID theft. There is far more information to be found on Facebook or LinkedIn.

As a small aside... I have habitually resisted the temptation to participate in any commercial sites owned or run by manufacturers or retailers. I just don't like the brand product focus and I get really tired of the Pro Staff BS.

The members make or break a forum.

I've seen good forums ruined by know it all members that artificially inflate their own egos by demeaning the opinions of others.

This forum has excellent members that share their knowledge and experiences.

(now if we can just get a softward
I am of the opinion that this is the friendliest and most civil forum I have visited and it is the one I spend the most time at. I also think it is also the most helpful and informative and I believe that is no accident. People will offer up opinions and information without fear of being attacked. It all stems from the inability to hide behind an internet alias and the requirement to use real names. Support this with no nonsense moderators with a clear sense of what reasonable boundaries are and you have a great website.

Paul, You have a link to this eutopia? Sounds like a great place, I'd like to join.

Seriously though, while I'm usually not one to curb off topic discussion or a good ol' thread derail, I will caution turning this from a discussion of identity theft on forums to a discussion of what happened on some other forum. I personally don't care what happened over there, and bringing the discussion (fight) over here will only pollute our page with the nonsence many of us come here to avoid.

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