Say Hello to Brock William Story

Brian Story

Active member
Thanks to all for the thoughts and prayers for our new little one. We welcomed him into this world on Monday Sept. 17th. I tried to get my wife to hold out for a ten pounder (she was not amused), but he came out a healthy 8lb 13oz.

We give Thanks to the LORD for a healthy momma and baby!


big brother.jpg
We were just talking about you. I told Joy that you guys had to have had the baby by now. I will call in the morning. You will be awake
Hello Brock! Welcome to this world. I hope you like it. It's not as warm as where you've been living the past few months, but pretty ok nevertheless.

I'm glad your mom did well getting you here safely.

Sleep well.


Brian F.
Congratulations! Another beautiful baby in the world. Glad to here that all went well with no problems. Godbless you and yours!
Glad to hear that my future hunting partner is doing well!! Left you a voice mail, Janine and I would like to bring supper friday nite if it works for you. Shawn
Congratulations to you and your wife Brian. And my best to little Brock! Instead of giving him a pacifier, you might consider a duck call.?. Having a good caller in the family is priceless! ;^)
Good health to you and your whole family. Very nice picture of your first with the new one. That is a moment I will never forget, when John saw his little sister and named her tickle toes. We still call her by her first name.
Hope your weeks are filled with joy and some sleep for mom.