Scull boat hunters??? I need advice


New member
I just started duck and goose hunting last year in South Dakota. Then I got the urge to get a small scull boat. The price was great I figure what the heck . Are there any of you folks, especially you old timers that can give this newbie some tips before I give it a run and learn it ALL the hard way? Thanks
Hi,welcome aboard.

Lou Tisch has a video of sculling for $25 . I just ordered mine. He and Bob Hayden should be able to give you some advice. Here are a couple of sites to check out as well .Good luck

For the video. Just scroll down the left side and click on VHS/DVDs. Call lou and order.

Thanks for all the info Dave and MS! Funniest thing though Dave is I bought the boat from Bob Hayden! ;) Reckon I should go to the source huh? Just because I'm getting older doesn't mean I am a dang bit smarter!!!!
I got a Wade DeLashmutt Mdl #1. I am actually still waiting on it to be delivered and then I still have about two weeks till I can used it. I am currently overseas and can't wait to get home. My son emails me every few days to tell me about all the honkers he is shooting.... We are both excited looking forward trying sculling.

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Welcome to the board and thank you for your service.

Like it's been said, there is a wealth of information here.

Be safe and hope your home soon.

Take care,

Ed L.
Thanks Ed, it is my pleasure. I will make it back to home in plenty of time to whack some ducks and geese before pheasant season hits.
Thank you for your service, and get ready for an adventure.

Sculling is full of highs and lows and will try your patience. It's an absolute blast either way.

You generally want the wind/current at your back and the sun in the ducks eyes. Definitely check out Lou's video. Just don't expect to be as good as he is. :)

Welcome to the site. I'll be looking forward to hearing more about your sculling adventures when you return home.

Thanks for your service and welcome home when you get back. Sculling is a ton of fun and there are a few good ones onhe site including Lou. He is a little slower than me on the oar but then again he is is older. ha ha ha sorry Lou I had to do that. Work the sun, wind like Dave said. Be slow in your approach. When you first start to learn to scull sit up and look at the oar to see what you are doing. A lot of guys wnat to lay right down in the boat and start sculling. Look at the oar get the basic's down and then worry about getting low. Keep your sculling hand low so they don't see the movement. Learn to scull over hand with your right hand and then left handed with your elbow on the floor of the boat. I think you may in that boat be able to scull over hand with your left hand too, laying over the oar. I hav enot sculled one of your boat but they look great. Have fun and be safe. HHG
This is something I'm thinking of trying out as well.

My "plan" is to do some homework over the winter, and then spend all summer trying to get the mechanics down.

Even if I don't use it for hunting, it seems like a neat way to row a boat. I love Zack Taylor's book where he says something to the effect of "No self respecting bayman would row a boat like some dude rowing his girl around a park pond."

Oh, Mannnnnnnnnnnnnn, that "slow" thing can't go unanswered. ;) Too funny. Though, as I recall...there we two of us in the race. Yes, I came in 2nd but you, as I recall in my old age, came in NEXT TO LAST. I think I'd rather be second. ;0 Way too funny.
As soon as I saw you post............I knew something was coming. Now we just need to teach these guys the reverse stroke so they can back-up.
Later partner,

Thanks for your service and welcome home when you get back. Sculling is a ton of fun and there are a few good ones onhe site including Lou. He is a little slower than me on the oar but then again he is is older. ha ha ha sorry Lou I had to do that. Work the sun, wind like Dave said. Be slow in your approach. When you first start to learn to scull sit up and look at the oar to see what you are doing. A lot of guys wnat to lay right down in the boat and start sculling. Look at the oar get the basic's down and then worry about getting low. Keep your sculling hand low so they don't see the movement. Learn to scull over hand with your right hand and then left handed with your elbow on the floor of the boat. I think you may in that boat be able to scull over hand with your left hand too, laying over the oar. I hav enot sculled one of your boat but they look great. Have fun and be safe. HHG
My first question is what type of ducks or geese will be hunted with it? How do you plan to make use of your boat with the type of water are you going to use it on, river or lake? Are you sure you a want a small boat just for you or can you also use it for hunting another way with another person or a dog? Is the one you want to use have your transport method in mind? Do you want to purchase a boat, kit boat or build from a plan?

Thanks for your service and welcome home when you get back. Sculling is a ton of fun and there are a few good ones onhe site including Lou. He is a little slower than me on the oar but then again he is is older. ha ha ha sorry Lou I had to do that. Work the sun, wind like Dave said. Be slow in your approach. When you first start to learn to scull sit up and look at the oar to see what you are doing. A lot of guys wnat to lay right down in the boat and start sculling. Look at the oar get the basic's down and then worry about getting low. Keep your sculling hand low so they don't see the movement. Learn to scull over hand with your right hand and then left handed with your elbow on the floor of the boat. I think you may in that boat be able to scull over hand with your left hand too, laying over the oar. I hav enot sculled one of your boat but they look great. Have fun and be safe. HHG
Thanks for the advice Hank! You're welcome, I have been doing this 22 years and love it but it is about time to retire. Good digs on Lou but it appears he packs a nice wallop on the return! I will keep you folks up to date on how it goes once I get back and give er a try.

My first question is what type of ducks or geese will be hunted with it? How do you plan to make use of your boat with the type of water are you going to use it on, river or lake? Are you sure you a want a small boat just for you or can you also use it for hunting another way with another person or a dog? Is the one you want to use have your transport method in mind? Do you want to purchase a boat, kit boat or build from a plan?

I will be mainly be hunting Canadian geese (at least to start with) and what kind of ducks show up in the small lakes and sloughs where I live. So I will probably use it both as a layout boat as well as trying to be all sneaky. I have young sons, the oldest being 12 who will jion me when he can. My dog is still young and a work in progress that I have not been home to progress with. So I don't expect to see her much with waterfowl this year. I will try her on the pheasants though. I just purchased a 13'10 scull. Yes, I was pretty much clueless when I bought the boat but what the hell you only live once.
Sounds to me like you have too much money building up from a deployment and just want to spend it :) . I understand completely. I am here as well surfing the internet for all it's worth, convincing myself I need more stuff than I really do.

Sculling is a great way to kill a lot of birds, but use it wisely because too much sculling pressure will ruin it for everyone. The birds depend upon areas to rest and not be bothered, with a scull it takes away these areas because the birds are under constant threat. It will cause birds to leave areas prematurely and if a couple scullers pound an area the birds get really jumpy. Not good for the birds or the decoyers in the outerlying areas that depend upon that body of waters supply of birds for morning/evening shoots.

It is hardly sniping by any means, more of the opposite actually. When you jump up on a flock of 400 widgeon and try to pick out a single bird it isn't going to happen. Rather, you may or may not get that bird but there will be a lot of "bycatch" with it. Those peripherial (sp?) pellets find feathers in the backgound and it's VERY easy to kill more than a limit, and VERY hard to explain to a warden. Not to mention that there is nowhere to hide birds in a scull boat. . . if you have them they will find them.

Be very careful in SD with sculling. A buddy of mine was sculling up there and shot a flock of birds, the ones he was shooting were flying but he killed some in the background that never left the water(not legal to shoot birds on the water in SD). The warden was waiting for him when he got to the boat ramp and had is ticket waiting. Though my friend was trying to be totally legit, he still got busted. And don't got to ND it's NOT legal to scull in ND!!!!!

Definitely check with the local law enforcement before sculling in neighboring states because each has it's own regs on the boat being ancored, motor, movement, wind, etc. Some don't understand sculling and likewise it will be tough explaining to them that you can move a boat laying down with one oar and NO MOTOR. Some simply refuse to believe it.

If you have any questions about sculling go to the other forum that was mentioned. There are several of us there that are fairly proficent with it, and over time you will get to know us and can see some pictures of our hunts.

Later, Kelpy

P.S. i wouldn't start out just targeting honkers. . .they are one of the smartest. Go after em if they're there but if they have ever seen a scull boat before you probably won't get them. . . if they haven't, then it's 50/50. Teal are way dumb, and mallards are very dumb. Pintail are pretty smart depending.
Ken, DUDE you busted me!!!! ;o) I can't say that you are 100% wrong on that! But thanks for the awesome advice. My son is dating the Game Warden's daughter so...... who knows which way that will lead. As far as I know there are not a bunch of scullers in my area but that is some sound advice. I didn't say the shooting was like sniping... more like CQB. The approach sounds very similar to a sniper staulk though, only with the wind behind you instead of in your face best case. Have a good one brother.


Welcome to your new found addiction! Sculling has its highs and lows and that is what makes it a lost art in the waterfowling world. Yes good scullers make it look much easier then it is. The guys that have been doing it for years have all gone threw what you are about to learn.

Come visit the scullers forum ask lots of questions.

Hope to see you there!