So Excited!

Greg B

New member
Just created my first scarf joint. Got started cutting panels on my first boat this week. Epoxy came in yesterday from US Composites, so I spent a couple of hours measuring and sanding this morning and Voila! My first scarf joint. A few weeks ago this seemed impossible. Thanks to the info on this site and contributions from many of you, it wasn't bad at all. I'll keep you posted on my progress.

Thanks for all the help and support.

Greg B

Congratulations... if you can get through that angst, you can do anything. Forgive me, but I forget what you are building, please let us (me) know again what you are building.

Good work,


I'm building a small marsh boat, 10' long, 47" wide, 12" tall. It's not a terribly ambitious plan, but it's my first, so I'm trying to make something I reasonably believe I can finish, and will float. It's based on the design of the hybrid, but longer and with a little more support. Don't have a digital camera, but am taking pics and will post when I make reasonable process.