Stoeger 2000 Shotgun


I have been looking for a new auto-loader and have gone back and forth with the Stoeger 2000 for some time. The local Dick's has it for $499.99 and they have it on sale from time to time for about $439.99. Add to that about $70 dollars in gift cards and I am looking at about a $370 new gun. It seems too good to pass up but I was wondering if anyone has any experience with them.


I have one and havent had any problems,from what ive heard there were alot of problems with the early guns such as headspace issues and frozen chokes and alot of guys were not happy
Thanks Mike - I think I made up my mind - I will get one. I was just on their website and it looks good.
I have one that I am on my third season with. Overall I am happy, the gun is lightweight and shoots great. However, last weekend the part you pull back with your finger on the bolt assembly (tang?) broke while I was cleaning it. Apparently it is an easy fix and the customer service is mailing me another no questions asked. For the money, it is worth it.
They can be a really good gun (mine is awesome), but due to sporadic quality control issues in Turkey you can end up with one that is more fit for boat anchoring than shotgunning.

Before you buy it make sure the store will take it back if there is an issue with in the first 30 days.

Keep your receipt and your box.

Follow the break in requirements in the owners manual as if the world will end if you don't. Cause if you don't do that then see the boat anchor comment above. I'm serious. 99% of the issues people have with their M2000s are caused by not following the manual and not cleaning them when first bought.

Here are some good threads from I recommend going there and seeing all the other M2000 threads.

Remember those two washers. They are very important.

So your first step: clean every moving part and lube with a lite oil.
Second step: cycle the action a few hundred times.
Third step: clean again and lube with a light grease/oil
Fourth step: shoot a few hundred rounds through it.

If there are any issues with shells not feeding look for burrs on the barrel lugs preventing the bolt from locking up.

I still need to get a spare bolt handle and file my original down a little to get the detent more secure.

The only problems I have had with mine was due to running it too dry in cold weather.
I like mine. It's a light gun but handles recoil well and I shoot it very well. But, I had it out at Ira's place in September and had problem where it would only shoot the chanbered round and the bolt released was hard as hell to push in and release the bolt. I've heard that getting parts takes forever and so was the case when I brought the gun to a smith upon returning from Missouri and waited three months to get it back. I had to borrow a friend's gun the whole season. I was further annoyed at the $200 repair bill. I would have rathered put it towards a new gun. So, I'll shoot this till it breaks and then junk it. The Remington 1100 go on sale for under 600. If you have any problems the parts are much easier to get and the gun will also be worth more if you ever sell.
Thanks for all the great information. I will take a look at the website.

I like the 1100's also and used to shoot my cousin's.

I will keep checking the sales at the store and see what works out.


Buy a benelli if it is in your budget. Always buy the best gun you can afford the cheap ones cost more in the long run.It doesnt have to be that brand but it has the same action as the 2000, but is built in italy with better quality. Franchi also has the same action, it too is made in italy. I have no confidence in turkish guns. They have failed me once too many times. One time is enough. It is a firearm and your life could be depending on it. I want mine to operate every time I pull the trigger. Just my thoughts. John
I bought a Model 2000 the first or second year they came out with it. I loved it at first, but by the end I cursed it! The first problem was a stuck choke tube. Took it to a gunsmith and he had to put it in a vise and use an extractor wrench to get it out. Bought a patternmaster choke tube for it with some gift cards and that solved that problem. The other issue (the biggest P.I.T.A.) was that I almost never got a third shot with it, no matter how often or how less I cleaned it, I tried both! Other than that, it shot decent but isn't worth the problems. I sold it to the pawn shop and bought a brand new Weatherby 12ga. pump from Bi-Mart for $250! I shot high with it at first but after changing the sight bead and adding an aftermarket choke tube (IC) the problem was corrected. If you want reliability, get a pump gun (I.M.O.P.).
Walmart used to have the Berretta 390 in Black Synthetic for around $525.00. Same gun as the original 390, just made by Berretta for Walmart only using the old 390 machinery.
I bought one in 2003 and love it. Two friends saw mine & bought them as well, no problems out of all 3 and we all love them.
If they still have this deal, it is a fantastic gun for the money.
Two buddies of mine hunt with Stoeger 2000's. One loves his; the other curses it.

If you are looking at other similarly priced autos, I cannot say enough good things about the Beretta 390. This gun used to be sold only at Walmart; I believe it can now be found in a handful of other outlets. (Bass Pro?) If you can swallow buying from Walmart, it's a great gun at around $500. Mine had trouble cycling light loads for the first 500 rounds or so, but has been flawless since I broke it in. It's never failed to cycle a duck load--even after being dropped in salt marsh mud on a 15* F day.
Can't comment on the Stoeger 2000 but my brother had a Stoeger under/over we called the "Turkish Boat Anchor." Unreliable and hard as hell to open and close. I'm sure it depends on what day of the week it was made and which Turkish guy put the gun together.
I have a 870 they are the best in my book for pumps , no problems just a little recoil. I have had 1187s and actually have just got the supermag, because they tame the recoil. Just make sure you keep it clean . Got a freind who shoots a extrema, it seems to cycle good. My sbe is a work horse gun though it reminds me of a 870 when it comes to cycling. It has been in water and mud. It doesnt take anytime to clean if you do clean it. It was one of my best guns to buy ,cant imagine I will ever get rid of it unless I got another one.I had a stoegger once and had to send it to the factory.They did send me a new gun. Beretta is a good company imop, I just dont trust a turkish gun any more. John
Lots of great information. I appreciate the feedback.

I have an 870 pump that I use for turkey and love it. It was the first gun that I ever owned and I got it when I was 16 (heading on 40 now) so I can also attest to their quality and performance. It started life as my deer gun with a rifled barrel, then became my upland bird gun and now serves me well in the Turkey fields. It is a 12 gauge.

I also have an Over and Under Tikka that I love. That is my new upland bird gun and what I was planning to use for Duck until I get an auto-loader. It is also a 12 gauge.

I also have a nice very old Stevens Side by Side in 16 that is fun to use with pheasants from time to time.

This was mostly a pending purchase because I have wanted an auto-loader for some time and was having a hard time passing this one up based on price.

I reviewed the other websites that were suggested and it really seems to be hit and miss. It sounds like Stoeger has improved the quality some but the quality control as a whole appears lacking.

I wish my local Wal-Marts sold guns but none do close to me - this IS NJ after all. Dick's is about the only chain store left in this state that sells them I think. I always head their first before I go to the gun stores. If I can find it there is will be cheapest and this includes their ammo. If I can't then I head to one of the specialty gun shops.

Thanks again
