Willy McDonald
Active member
The Strongsville show is right around the corner and if you are planning to pick up Cork at the show we need to hear from you soon. We only bring a few extra sheets for walk in business so if you wait last minute we may not have what you want. Feb. 21 is the last date for pre-ordering so place your order ASAP.
You can save huge on shipping by picking up at the show.
Sizes available are 3" 3 5/8", 4", & 4 5/8. Black cork is also available and it only comes in 3 sheet sealed cases. Again, since space is limited in our trailer and truck we can only bring a few sheets over and above for walk in business so pre-ordering is a must. You do not have to pre-pay.
To pre-order call or email the amount and sizes that you would like reserved. We do require a phone number and address when you order. Please no PM's
1-800-852-7352 or email duckblind@mei.net
Deadline for pre-orders is 2-21-14
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