Strongsville pictures 2015....

Nate, I remember the our conversation verbatim, Dave: "I wanna donate a bag to the juniors carvers" Me: "Cool Beans", Dave: "hang on I'll be right back"...... THANKS DAVE Picture is still trapped in my daughters camera because her ham handed father killed our labtop..... when we fix it the pic will be there.
In case your wondering, the pic is of our bag drawing, it is young Michael Pietch B.O.S. winner of the Duck Blind Challenge, with Dave holding his new decoy bag. He has great plans to fill it with his own carved decoys.
I almost didn't recognize you Brain.....been along time since I've seen a picture of you that wasn't a selfie with the TV/computer screen in the background....

Right back at ya Steve. Last thing I remember was a big black lab pulling a section of fence down the street because of a love interest. I have been scarce because of my new career. I became a celebrity look alike. Unfortunately the celebrity is Charlie Weaver...." I'll take the center square to block ".......

Regards, B
New Career? tell?....last I heard you were teaching......

I retired so my new career is trying to remember how I could have done nothing yesterday and plan on doing nothing today...cause I didn't get finished with NOTHING the day before.....

THE VOICE - Charlie Weaver "The Center Square" is a darn good gig! I'm proud of ya, your are a success story (I knew ya could do it). We had some mighty fine times, didn't we...