stump jumper mud motor throttle


Active member
Just wondering if anyone has put a squeeze throttle on their motor. I just picked up a stumpjumper and it has a twist throttle. Not sure why they thought that would be a good idea. When you are trying to turn its such a wierd motion to push the tiller and twist at the same time all while trying not to be thrown out of the boat. The only part thats nice is that it always goes back to idle when you let off.

I always stand while driving my longtail so the twist gets real awkward. Just wondering if anyone has fooled around with a squeeze throttle and what they had to do to set it up....My mud buddy has the old style tractor throttle but for some reason that boat drives well with that type.


The bicycle idea is brilliant. I'm gonna do that for sure now. I've got no problem with the twist handle on my stump jumper besides getting tired holding it.

I sit while driving since I would trust standing all the time in my Momarsh fatboy. I can idle around standing up but full power I wouldnt trust it too much.

Thanks for the simple but excellent idea
the motor is wierd to drive sitting down to me. I tried moving the handle around to be able to sit and drive but its way to awkward. I have mine on 10ft sears v-hull. Its surprising how quick these little motors are. Not to mention the power they have. with 2 guys in the boat we were still jumping up and down beaver dams with it no problem.

The throttle is what kills me though. Im going to look for a old bike lever today and see what i come up with. heres a pic of the boat, getting the blind built on it right now.

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I have a Go-Devil with a throttle lever that is not spring loaded. You move it and set it. I drove a buddies rig with a lever (like a bike brake) and couldn't get used to it. I felt like it was awkward in turns. I imagine it is whatever you get used to. I can't imagine using a twist throttle with the long handle and wide sweep in the turns.
I have a bike brake style throttle on my short tail and a lawnmower style on my longtail and from my perspective the lawnmower style is easier to run-set it where you want it and it won't move until you move it. Both are easy to install though, the lawnmower style cost me a grand total of $8 to install and run.
so i got a bike lever on the handle. took some persuasion. How do i adjust it so i have enough pull to get it up to full throttle? I don't have the motor in front of me, just the handle.

any help. thanks. i only have about 3/4 of inch of pull in the cable. Not sure how much i had with the twist. seems like alot more.

pull on the cable until the butterfly on the carb is wide open and the handle is squeezed, then set the set screw to lock on place