This year was my first year back into duck season, after 10 years of military and medical rehab due to a helicopter crash and 2 torn shoulders muscles.., I planned on going hunting and enjoying the Great earth that mother nature gave us. I missed it. I am new the site, but not to hunting. All of your pics, and discussions, helped me alot. with the missing of hunting and with me dealing with my wifes illness. the reason i missed hunting this year. my wifes( multiple sclerosis ), kept me from going. about 2 months ago, she went into liver failure, and was hosiptalized for those months. and she is now, up and moving. she had a good full recovery and will be taken medication for the rest of her life. but she is with our loving family once again..
again, You all helped me, and you didn't even know it.
Thank You and Merry Christmas to all.
again, You all helped me, and you didn't even know it.
Thank You and Merry Christmas to all.