Thank You Mr. Sanford

Mike Trudel

Well-known member
Thanks Steve for all the help.

Having never seen a spray dodger except in pictures, and having no idea how to set up buttons, ropes/leathers, horns, etc. on oars, as this knowledge has almost disappeared from the midwest ( no canvas shop knew what a spray dodger was and no marina new anything beyond the basic oar clamp about rowing).

Steve was gracious/patient enough to handle my deluge of questions. Here a few pics[inline]

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It looks nice. Did you make it yourself or did you work with a canvas shop?
The design looks like a mix between the old and the new.

That looks great! I am so glad to finally see some photos - hope it works well for you.

That "eared" gun of yours makes me think I should trade in my Model 12 for a Model 97....

All the best,

Mike - Love the boat. Looks like it's right sized for a Chessie. The bore with the ears on it is suspect... Pat
agreed - nice hammer gun- Birmingham proof?

hammers and checkering look familiar - who is the maker
Thanks for the nice comments.

An Amish canvas shop helped with the sewing.

The Watson Brother 10ga magnum, has London proofs.