Thanks Mark Vanderhoof

dave, great! im glad it made it there in one piece and im glad you like it. it is a big bird and its amazing how small they get when you through them into a rolling ocean. i hope you have the chance to gun over it. best, mark
If I don't make it up north this year I will be going in doubt about it. It'll make it on the bay with me a time or two anyway, Eiders or not.

What's with the citrus smell? Sealer?

Hi Mark,

Do you have any pics of the creation of that decoy? I've been thinking about trying to make a few of those. Is the process difficult?

Nice bird!

Nate Grace
sorry for the delay guys. ive been in tropical paradise! dave, that is just acrylic house paint your smelling. not sure why it has a unique smell. must just be the brand. glad to hear the deke will hit the water this fall. nate, email me. best, mark
