The fleet is growing

Andy Grant

Well-known member
I just picked up this hull. It needs a bit of repair work on the bottom where the glass is cracking. I will hit it with the belt sander and re-glass the area after I evict the wasps.



You have to learn to jump on these things when they are offered.He,He.
That boat is almost a carbon copy of my step dads boat I told you about earlier this year. Cut off those pods, and make it a little longer on the stern........
Now he is pretty sure he is keeping it after finding out it will handle up to a 15hp.
He MAY have an Outlaw Ducker for sale soon, but not sure if it is rated for a 6hp or not. He can only keep one..............whichever he decides he likes the most in the next month or so........ Pretty sure this is what my stepdads boat is..

Andy, cool boat.How big a motor are you going to run. May be just the angle, but those pods look huge. Will your motor clear them?When are the sea trials?
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One of the previous owners ran a 25 hp on it and said it really scooted. That may scoot a bit too much for me. I plan on trying a 15 hp, because that is what I have. I need to fix the bottom, which may happen this week.

I will probably hit the water with it after I finish my scull and take them both up to the lake in a few weeks. Anyone up for some hot dogs and burgers at Heyburn State Park?
Mike, I can't really 'jump' on anything right now. I just closed on my house today and I've been working on getting the basement finished, but...I am getting an $8,000 tax credit in 6-8 weeks!

Andy, have fun on your new project!
Why does the motor well appear to be so far to one side?

It is offset. I am not sure why it was built the way it was.

I'm gonna take a wild guess and theorize the well is offset so the operator can sit in the back right corner of the cockpit and work the tiller with his left hand...
Just teasing you a little.
Saw your post on your house, and I perfectly understand those projects.Looks like you have been pretty darn busy. This is the first summer in the last 4 that I didnt do a major project on our house. My daughter got married this summer, so all my money has been otherwise spent.

The right boat will turn up, at a good time for you, if you keep watching.Or maybe you'll just build one.

What are you looking for? I am always keeping my ears and eyes open for deals. That is how I found this one.
Andy, my ultimate goal is to build my own boat someday. I've played around with a lot of different ideas and even built a bunch of scale models. My preference would be something similar to a BBSB, like an estuary, or a Classic Barnegat, or an MLB Sneakboat. I really like the classic look with a rounded bow opposed to a square bow like the Devlin's.