Then the season closes...

Jon Yenulonis

Well-known member
I never had the opportunity to meet the man, but the late Zack Taylor has always been an idol of mine. From the time I was old enough to have been smitten by the duck hunting bug, I remember reading articles written by him in old issues of Sports Afield.

Later, when I fell in love and got married, my wonderful, new Wife gave me a copy of his book- “Successful Waterfowling”. I cherish the book and have read it from cover to cover several times. I even built a boat from plans detailed in the book, the Sneakbox Widgeon. An undertaking I will never forget.

Once again, as the season draws to a close, I thought it may be a good time to share a paragraph from the book.
"Then the season closes, and I always feel a sense of relief. I eagerly look forward to the season's opening and enjoy the heck out of following the birds, but I'm always glad when the hunting ends. Enough is enough. The birds need the chance to live without harassment and fear. They need the opportunity to recoup and regroup, and so do I."

I guess that pretty much sums up the way I feel.

Thank you, Jon. That sums it up nicely and I am beginning to think that myself---we have twelve days left. You are one fortunate man to have a wife so understanding.
It's funny, Yon. I was just sitting at my desk, looking out at the ice-locked river outside my offfice and thinking "Well, 2....maybe 3 more days to get up at 4 AM and chase ducks. Then i can start waking at a human hour on Saturday mornings, stoke up the fire, let the dogs out, and make breakfast before the kids are up. Pancakes with a two-year-old...better than duck hunting.

I've had a great's time for the season to slide away, the ducks to rest, and me to enjoy my family.