To the folks about to get hit by Zeta...hunker down and good luck!

What a mess, I was talking with a colleague in Baton Rouge today, this is their 5th hurricane of the season.

Looks like it is going to head right over north Alabama, our son's college in Huntsville, up in Eric's neck of the woods, is under a tropical storm warning.
I'm so ready for hurricane season to be over! My Cajun brethren have taken it on the chin so many times this year it's got to be maddening. All of my buddies are at their homes and gonna ride this one out. Praying for safety for all in this storms path!
It has been a very busy hurricane season. The bad thing about my area having a "good" hurricane season is that it means it's been bad on somewhere else. Pray everyone stays safe and has minimal damage.
benp said:
It has been a very busy hurricane season. The bad thing about my area having a "good" hurricane season is that it means it's been bad on somewhere else. Pray everyone stays safe and has minimal damage.

Same here Ben about the "good" hurricane season. Seems like first good one for me in about five years...but that said, i have a friend who came from Lake Charles and his family is still there and my heart breaks for them with what they have suffered. It sure makes me think about the "what if" if my house was totally destroyed and I was left with nothing but my truck and camper......cuz after Irma, no way am I staying here again if it looks like I will be hit again.
Damn thing is already over here in delawhere- doing the cats and dogs thing. Supposed to stuck around through tomorrow. Do I REALLY need to go waterfowling in this?
you might want to wait until tomorrow morning, the main part of the storm hasnt gotten to you yet!
george w said:
Damn thing is already over here in delawhere- doing the cats and dogs thing. Supposed to stuck around through tomorrow. Do I REALLY need to go waterfowling in this?


Yer retired.

WHY would you ever think of going waterfowling in drenching rain? WTF! [;)]

The birds don't like it.

We used to do it often when we worked. Cuz days off during the season were never wasted. Ya went no matter what.

Lax, and then Relax, and go after the weather improves.

With all that sheet water & water. When the birds get there, they gonna drive ya to drinking.

Best regards