Vote for this year's Traveling Decoys...

Chuck J

Well-known member
...Or at least vote for the diver. Seeing as there is only one offering in the Puddler class, the Jode Hillman Widgeon wins by default:

Jersey Boy


Actual decoy now pictured.

So, that leaves us with voting for the Diver class:

Steve Sanford Goldeneye, hollow White Pine with a lead-ballasted White Pine keel, Painted in acrylic (sealed with spar varnish and primed with gesso)


Chris Toy Redhead, hollow cork, acrylic paint, trex keel:


Cast your vote by posting a reply right here, or sending me a PM. You need only vote for the Redhead or the Goldeneye (I know you love the Widgeon, no worries, it already won).

Lets wrap up the vote by midnight (EDT) Wednesday September 25th.

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I'll say this much. Whichever diver doesn't get picked this year should be back next year. Those are two really nice decoys and both well deserving. WOW.
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