Was the season all that bad? Take a look at my year...

Geoff Vine

Active member
Although it was a terrible year for ducks it was a great season for me and my son Jack. I'm not one for posting pictures of people you don't know, or the usual pile of dead birds. But I thought I would share a few shoots of my son's first real season hunting. I think it somewhat of a miracle that he has taken to hunting and decoys so fast. It's more than I could have hoped for.

These are from throughout the year - opening day to our final hurrah at freeze-up. The final photo shows Jack holding his Canvasback decoy that I carved for him in 1999 when he was born. It's been a long ten years waiting for him to float that decoy...









Have a great holiday season!
That is great Geoff. I kinda know how you feel . My turned 10 this year also. Even though not till November 15th. He still went out with me before hand and did everything
except shoot.
It sure is way more fun watching them experience hunting than doing it myself.
Great pics of your hunts!!!

Now that's what it's really all about. Thanks for sharing with us something you should be very proud of. Maybe we should not worry so much about the numbers of ducks we see, but worry more about the experiences we share.
Nice post, enjoyed the pictures. Nice looking decoy you made for your son although it looks like you got the "clearcoat" on a little heavy. :>)
Great Pics and stories Geoff. Thanks for posting them. Looked like some great quality times.
Gary March
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Of Course!!!! It's not all about the Shooting. I happened to shoot more ducks this year than other years but the memories are the real trophies.
Geoff - The shots of Jack, especially spending quality time with his dad, far surpass any I can think of... Thank you for spending time with your boy. It is time he will always remember and tell his son about... God bless you for it. Pat

I know exactly how you feel and where you are coming from. Being and guiding your enthusiastic son as he starts the journey as a waterfowler is perhaps the most rewarding apsect of waterfowling we get to experience.



p.s. I jumped over you your upcoming website. That is some dang fine work. I simply love the style.
any day spent with your kid is a great one. My youngest tj is 12 now, and he gets more invites to hunt than i do! ha. Everyone wants to hunt with tj.

Keep up the fun times with your boy, it's always more than worth it. travis
Ya Jack! I guess he's the same age as the Meganator. Isn't it just the best seeing your kids interested in healthy stuff? Great pictures Geoff, keep them coming!

Looks like a fantastic season. Great looking young hunter, dog, dekes, boat.......and quite a proud papa too. Well done! Duck never tastes as good as those days in the field feel. dc
Thanks to all you folks for the great comments. Jack and I read them together. He says we'll have to take even more photos next year. Sounds like a good plan to me...

Enjoy the holidays!
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Way to go Geoff. I started my son out at about 10 now he,s 25 and works on the boat with me all summer and guides for me during the winter. No words can explain the feeling you get being out there with your son. When he killed his 1st deer and shot his 1st goose its what life is all about. Its a memory that no one exept your son can give and nobody can ever take away. Many more to you my friend.
Those pictures bring back memories. My father taught me to hunt on those islands of Winnebago as you are showing your son. Those are some days your son will never forget. Keep it up.
Fantastic pics. Keep up the good work. I know exactly how you feel. My son just turned 11 last month and we have so much fun together. We have ot travel to hunt because of the crazy laws in Mass but we have so much fun hunting together. Keep going as much as possible. Hank