Waterfowler drowned

Dave, that is one of my boats. The added blind actually made the boat taller than it is wide. At least one witness stated nthere were no life jackets. In fact, the boat did carry the life jacket and throw cusion I provide with all new sales and another vest that had much of the filling missing. all of which were stowed under the fore deck. I hunted Goodwin Island that day in the Super Goose, my 17 foot model and when I was comming in I wished I had not launched. The winds were something like 30-35 with gusts to 45-50. It was just flat nasty. If you (or anyone else) has any particuler questions I have a copy of the investigation and will be happy to answer.

There was another hunter lost up in Lancaster Co the same day.
I have a good friend who is a good friend of the survivor. As I said, this was very close to home. Wish this could have been avoided and could have been a happier ending. I hope everyone reads thru this and thinks about what they are doing right, and more importantly, what they are doing wrong before their next trip out.

That is sad to hear. It can get bad real quick in that area with the wrong wind and tide combo. Sad time for the families involved.....
You are right Mark,the tidal Potomac can turn bad fast.I average close to 300 hours a year on that river,and it can turn bad quickly.
Are there any details that could be shared, which we could possibly benefit from?
I often wonder if I'm overlooking some dangerous situations when I'm afield.