way off topic...Celiac


Well-known member
Sorry I haven't been around much lately. Its been a little rough. I've been having some medical problems the last few years and its been a real pain in the butt, especially the last few months. Going from one doctor to another. trying this medication that medication and so on. Always tired, no energy, insomnia, iratable, etc etc. For the past 4 months I had acid reflux and stomach pain as that wouldn't go away. FInally went in and had a scope put down my throat last week, and they dicovered I have Celiac disease. I guess its good and bad. The good thing is it looks like we've got it nailed down to what's been bothering me and I can get to feeling better. The bad is that since I'm allergic to gluten, the things I can eat have been cut in half. Anyone else here dealing with this have any advice?
Sorry to hear it Paul but glad they found out what it is. I guess you and your wife will be label readers from now on. So much processed food has wheat in it now days that it is going to be a real challenge. I know a guy who just found out that he has it as well --- he's 48 and has suffered from the effects for many years without knowing what was causing it. Good Luck
Man, I'm glad they've nailed it down for you and you can get to solving it now. Been there, done that.

I've suffered from some periodic eye pain (almost daily), some so severe that it took 30 advil a day to even begin to control it. I'd been to the optomotrist (sp?) and the opthalmologist several times with no results. The only thing they said was.........don't know or.....there's no pathology. Well & good but still no solution.

Then, couple months ago, began having some "flashy lights" thing and got it nailed down to "ocular migraines". Holy crap, why couldn't somebody have figured that out earlier. It seems such a simply diagnosis. ANyhow, I found an Rx called Maxalt MLT that stops the pain once it starts. I asked the doctor, what can we do to prevent the pain from starting. He prescribed Bystolic and............it works great. It prevents the paint from even beginning. Very cool to have a solution.
I'll keep you in my prayers Paul.
Later partner

glad they have it figured out. I have several patients with it, it does take adjustment, but overall they cope fairly well.

good luck.
son had it when young--No gluten --you just kinda have to make some dietary adjustments--rice stuff is a good substitute! Hope it eventually goes away, Paul!
Will keep you in thoughts and prayers, fella!

Check your email. I sent you a link from one of my databases that gives excellent info on management of celiac disease in adults.

Good news is, a reasonable diagnosis was made. The other piece of good news is, once you eliminate gluten from your diet, you will feel like a new human being.


My wife Carol was diagnosed with Celiac almost 10 years ago. It's not fun doing without all that contains gluten, however, if you sick to a gluten free lifestyle you will enjoy good health and never need to take a single pill.

You are a bright young man you will do fine, just remember to read, and read again all ingredients in all that you eat and drink. Gluten free beer is readily available, and it's not bad.

Go to celiac.com for starters. Carol has lots of sources for gluten free foods, she will be happy to share with you, let me know.

My wife also has recently had the discovery of celiac disease. What a pain for you and probably your family also. Read labels, closely. You may already realize you'll have to modify greatly where you eat out at and what you can eat. Know that many of the sauces and mixtures used by resteraunts will have ingrediants that will cause a flare up. If you can contact someone who "knows"what a resteraunt is cooking with and they'll be honest with you then you may have a broader selection of spots to go to.
Narrow down what and where you can eat and stick to it. Each flare up of the condition will contribute to deterioration of your intestines and other health issues. I believe Carol read on one of the celiac sites that you will be 5-10 more likely to develop lymphoma later in life. Sorry if that is news to you, but you should know.
Take care of yourself.
Thanks for all the replies. Doc, Thanks for the link to the database. I'm going to check in on it starting monday once Michele is home. been doing some looking on what I can and can't eat. Its really not that bad I guess. The main thing I'm going to have to learn is planning ahead. The days of getting hungry and popping a stoffers dinner in the microwave are done, but I guess thats for the better anyhow. Meijer where we shop around here has a list of all of their products and tells the ones that are gluten free so that makes things easier. I just hope gluten free beer isn't that bad ;-)

Thanks again everyone!
Be glad that you have nailed down a diagnosis. Gluten intolerance is more common than many realize. I have known people whose lives have improved dramatically once their docs figured out what was going on and they started on a gluten free diet. I think you will be feeling much better in a few weeks. Best of luck.
Anheiser Busch makes a gluten free beer called Red Bridge. It isn't that bad. 160 calories per 12 ounces though. There are some others also.