We all have our vices...some bigger than others...(pic)

Chuck J

Well-known member
Oh, wait, I meant vise...


Here is my garage sale find of the summer. Not as good of a deal as the viola my wife found last summer, but I still like it. The guy I bought it from was cleaning out his late grandmothers house. He was about my age actually. The vise was in the garage, where his grandpa used it restoring old cars...Ford model A's specifically. The cool thing about it to me is it is the same (or almost) as the vise my grandpa had on the farm in his shop where he worked on tractors of similar vintage...back when those were still in use, not just for collectors. I shared this with him as well, in hope that it might mean something to him that his garndpa's stuff was going to someone who'd appreciate it, as well as use it.

A friend of mine has a couple just like that. His boys actually bought them to do some blacksmithing. They are getting pretty good at it to for some kids under 18 years old.
Chuck I have one very similar to yours. They are very handy for heavy work. You can put a piece of steel in it and pound all day long and not hurt the vice. The bottom is formed so you can put a plate of steel or wood with a hole in it under the vice to even out the pressure in case you decide to pound on it with a sledge hammer. I see by the handle that some heavy squeezing has been done already. I have used mine many times to bend heated metal.
I've got one too. The best thing about them is you can pound on one and the force goes down the leg to the floor, not into the mount. I've seen places to buy these new, but they're expensive as hell.
Anybody out there have a swage block laying around, preferably within a 100 miles of Astoria...... Didn't think so ;)
The bottom is formed so you can put a plate of steel or wood with a hole in it under the vice to even out the pressure in case you decide to pound on it with a sledge hammer. I see by the handle that some heavy squeezing has been done already


I wondered about that foot. The guy's grandpa had hammered a hole in the concrete that was holding it quite stable. It is more or less temporarly mounted in my garage...I say more or less, because that is relative to how long it will take for us to build a barn for my shop to move into.

Someone must have put a pipe on that handle...either that or the Incredible Hulk was doing some work with it :)
