what are they?

I thought the last one was a blond phase mallard but since it was hanging around with the pure white one which is most likely a domestic duck i would say is has some domestic blood in it. Was the white ones eye red? That would help to determine if it was an albino

I saw a blonde phase hen on openinig morning it was up high in the bright sky and even with my calling it decided it wanted to go some where else. It was quite a sight though
I'll bet that the excitement level went up a few notches when that pair of birds flew in. Sure looks domestic to me, but you never know. That is an interesting looking hen by the way.
Sam, I have the same thing happen to me more times than not----hens always seem to fall dead---at least it seems that way.
Heck, around here, either of those could be "escaped" golf course/park/apartment or town home retention pond ducks....at least they'd be the prettier of the pond ducks around here...
