What would you do?

Capt. Jack Passie

Well-known member
Today was probably the worst expeariance I've ever had with one of my Chessies. I'm going to try to explain this as best I can. This afternoon I was sitting on the toilet after takeing a good dump the phone rang. A quick wipe and I ran to the phone, when the call ended I went back to the bathroom to flush the toilet and there stood Gus with a log in his mouth. I diin't reach down to take it from him. I'm still gagging but I had to draw the line some where as to what I would stop him from eating. Its the worst.

AND I know what I'd do....

I'd delete this thread...

Somethings should be kept to ones self.....

I will say though....not a surprise since its a CHESSIE.....

OH, some has to have the motivational poster of the black lab. (if not I'll get it when I'm at work on Mon. )hehehehe

It's delicious, trust me!
Capt. Jack...

HOLY SH*%!!!!!! - I've known sh*% eaters in the past, but usually from the yard, not out of the toilet... Lesson here, put the seat down in this instance only...

I'm still a big believer that salt water fixes all... Take Gus to the docks and make him fetch until your arm falls off - He'll take in enough salt water over the 12 hour session to purify his jibbers...

(At least it wasn't diarrhea...)

Hope all's well...

Yeh I believe it my hunting friend had a chessi and he would recycle his food also.When he told me of this I said don't you feed him twice a day he said yes , but he still recycles .I replied mabe you otta give him desert to. Well the poor dog is gone now seems he got in the way of his owners boat trailer while it was moving.
What would I do? Take my number off of my signature and/or get an answering machine. :)

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I agree with steve I think this post should be deleted its vile, I would have been ashamed to have posted it.
take care



Flush the toilet next time...I guess...

I just realized that poor Jack posted something that he wanted to share with us....and here I go and ATTACK HIM.....express my opinion that what happened was NASTY ..... others have piled on and had the timerity to tell him to FLUSH.......

Jack....buddy.....please accept my apology for not keeping my mouth shut, for not keeping my opinion to myself, and for not thinking about your feelings.....

Please do not quit....please do not allow the opinions of a single person to chase you away.....please do not....buwhahahahahahah........

(tongue FIRMLY in cheek as to the above...not so as to the reference to the previous post).....

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My Chessie eats the cat shit from next door....which absolutely drives me crazy. I don't know if I want to shoot the cat, crack my dogs head, or both.

I've been putting the e-collar on him EVERY time he heads out the door and I head into the shed to work on something. I hate it when he runs up with that horrific smell and then he wants to lick me. YUCK.

I do feel better than he hasn't "recycled" what I had for dinner....thats just a little too far....even for me....and I can handle gross and all that.

Although, when he was a pup, he crapped in my boat and I had to pick it up and throw it over the gunnels...he might have thought that was gross....I dunno
If I was you I wouldn't let him in the house for a while. He might barf on the carpet and then you'd have to clean it up. Then again it is a Chessie so he'd probably eat his own vomit and like it better than the first time.
Here is an experience I had with my lab a few weeks ago:

Tonight Echo and I were scouting a farm that I have permission to hunt and we had completed about half of the loop I wanted to walk when I see her just inside the woods doing the dog roll thing in the tall grass. I yell at her to stop and "here", she obeys and starts to trot toward me but as she gets closer I see something that I don't want to see.....toilet paper hanging from her collar.

"SIT" I scream.....and she freezes and sits.

I walk slowly toward her and I see from her head to her tail on her left side she is covered in human feces.

I'll save you the gruesome details of the next hour but suffice it to say I've had better evenings.
I laughed out loud so hard I was crying while reading this post.

We lost our lab earlier this year and I have been thinking about our next dog.

I've heard chessies are hard headed, but now I know for sure, I am not man enough to own one.

It will be another lab for me!

"He's a Chessie, right"?


"yeah he's a Chessie...so did you hear that he ate poop? Human poop"?



"Human Poop"..





I got a mess to clean up now....choking on sweet tea and having it come out your nose sure does make for a mess.....