Which Duck/goose hunting DVD.

Paul Scott

Active member
Hello Chaps, It a long closed season already getting duck withdrawals. Have washed off my gear, stacked and restacked my wildfowling stuff. Just need a little fix to get me through the summer..........

Have been lookin though the internet at waterfowl hunting DVDs and cannot make my mind up, The swampers look good and so does ducks, dogs and decoys. Like a video that teaches you a bit as well not just 60minutes of thousands of ducks being shot and stacked, like a video that sets the scene. Have started to arrange a trip next december to washigton with fred and Rose Slyfield so would be great if it had a bit of hunting in washington.

Any ideas, would be greatly recieved

Thanks for your time, Scotty.
seen most brands of videos but I watch duck commander religiously. they are very entertaining and awsome duck hunting. buy them all. they help my withdrawls the most, much better than foiles movies

ps it will make you start to grow a beard :)
I second Matt's suggestion. The couple DVDs I got from Habitat Flats were pretty good. Also, I haven't bought any yet but Capt. Rhodes stuff at theswampers.com looks good too.
Hate to hyjack your thread but I've been looking a good tutorial/training video on calling. If there is one thing that I need to work on is my calling techniques. Any recommendations?

Brad, I can help you with that one, Bad grammer by scott threinen, for canadas

Thanks guys will spend a pleasant afternoon having a look at those previews.

Just off to see if I cannot intice a roe deer into my freezer, not wildfowling but better than work...
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