Who's got the real Thread?!?!

Derek Bendell

Active member
I'm not even gonna join in. I don't appreciate being forced to discern on my own which Workbench Thread is proper for my stuff, which doesn't even reside on, or come from a Workbench. I'm lucky to find a Cedar Plank, and enough shade from the Sun to take a Pic. Maybe later in the month when it's easier to see which Thread is dominating I will try to put up a couple more. Posted entirely in Rhetoric, no need to respond...

See a Bug flew in my mouth, and I got a Lizard-Terd on my finger when I went out to take the Pic, and then the frustration of trying to determine where to post after all that led to a mood swing, and searching for somewhere to displace the blame. I'm considering going to Road-Rash my thumb now with a Foredom Bit as a distraction. Duct-Taping it, and then Carving a lowly Shoveler...


Derek, first, I like the birds... they have great shape to them, and I appreciate the carved eyes.

I would say that Brandon's post is the one that most will pay attention to. It's just a shame that Capt. Larry and Tim B. posted to the other first before Brandon had a chance to start fresh.

Luckily those "confusing" posts don't surface very often.
The Hawaian ti is beautiful and the color on the arborcola really pops...nice deeks also. If we ever get together I want you to show me how you do the eyes.