Wiz Boz


Well-known member
It occurs to me suddenly (at the prodding of my bride) that I will be eligable for Social Security in 2 years from today. Now that I'm sitting here felling sorry for myself, would you be so kind as to relate your accomlishments after you reached age 60. I need the reality check. hehe
Your life is just begining! If you have planned wisely for retirement the whole world is there in front of you. As been said somewhere many times--reach out and grab it. At 79 I bungee jump (dived) off the original bungee jump in New Zealand (120 feet) the oldest to do it; I crewed on a racing sailboat in the Havana Cup to Cuba etc.. My wife and I have traveled to many far countries with a few in Europe to do yet. Hey, I could go on but man it's all ahead of you and your wife---do it!
wis boz
Well Howard, it's like this; Life after 60 just plain sucks. By age 62 you will be in a nursing home wearing depends and with drool dribbling from your mouth. All your boats will be sitting idle in a storage facility somewhere.

Being the great guy I am, I can't do much about the first situation but I can sure take care of that boat problem you're going to have. I'm such a nice guy I'll even fill your coffee thermos for your return trip home after bringing me those boats. Glad to help you out.

BTW. Congrats and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

Don't retire Howard, You will be to busy. It's much easier working.

After all the generosity from Iowa, there isn't much else I can add :) )
So Happy Birthday!Do what you want.I didn't hunt or shoot my first Canadas until I was 70.Now I've
overcomplicated my life with Computers ,didgital cameras, and cell phones.He He.LOL
Getting old is not for a sissy.
Thanks for the well wishin guys, but it's not my birthday yet. I can retire at 62 1/2. Birthday is actually 30 Oct. Huntin Dave, I'm down to 3 boats right now but with the nursing home I've got picked out I don't know if you can afford them. hehe

Ya know, When I was 40 I was in jump school. Then I went into the Special Forces Qualification course. I think I'm gonna be OK.
Bungee jumping should be a piece of cake for you at 80---you could break the record in Queensland :)
wis boz