Woodies love shack


Active member
This box had 31 eggs inside. The box 100 yards away had over 20 eggs. Saw about 50 gads, nice pair of BWT and a snipe


Looks like another hen dumped her load in the same box.Hopefully most of the eggs will hatch,I had that happen some years ago in a beaver swamp where I had several boxes.I'm not sure if it was caused by the boxes being to close or if there was a lack of nest sites in the area .

I read that the boxes should be no closer than 600 feet.
Anything inside that promotes dumping and reduces the hatch.
Haven't checked my three boxes, yet.
There is a right up in the current DU magazine this month about multipy hen using one nest. I believe it says 'dumping' is due to a shortage of suitable nests in the area.
Last year at our big park I counted over 60 ducklings all trailing behind one mallard hen. I doubt that all were hatched by her, but that they all adopted her for mom. Nice deal if you are the other moms.
Yep - a dump nest. Make sure the entrances face 180 degrees away from one another or move further away.

BTW - Why on earth are you checking the number of eggs in a box during nesting season? Refrain from checking during laying/hatching - you might inadvertantly scare off the hen for good. Check the brood mid summer or later in the year for success. We typically measure success, clean ours out and put in fresh bedding in late January, February and early March here in NY.
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Biologist check nesting boxes to get egg counts & nesting attempt data all the time during nesting season.
If you limit your stay & only check it once or twice, it will not effect the hen, she'll be back.
I have seven boxes within 3/4 mile area. The last two years over 300 eggs have been laid each year with around 250 hatching. This particular box has as many as 4 woodies at a time standing on top of it and as many as 12-14 others swimming underneath while the mob is on top. Why not check egg counts. Good way to know what is going on and to keep an eye on predators. Lst weeken I checked boxes and found a wasp nest inside a box. Got rid of it and the residents. 1 week later that box has 5 fresh eggs inside. I have done this for the last 8 years and have never had a hen not come back. Yes I do fully understand nest dumping. This would be part of the reason for posting. I think it is kind of cool when one hen can hatch and care for the eggs of two other hens. My understanding is that one hen will lay 8- 12 eggs. So I have at least 3 hens dumping here and at least 2 in one other box. It has been a cool project over the years. We need to get a woody nesting project going on the forum. I know in the past we have had a kids box program.