Worst Season Ever


I got to tell ya, this was my worst season ever.. Lets count the birds in the freezer......1 OK lets start again....1....... That's right 1 flipping drake mallard.. And two busted props....

I Got back into hunting after a 7 year lay over. Built a new boat and dusted off the decoys and got to hunt with an old hunting buddy. I guess it's all worth it.

I will be back next year, I need to find a new place to hunt. The spot that produced the birds in years past just doesn't hold them now, also it's over hunted.

The things I will be doing over the winter:

1: build a sneak boat
2: build a layout boat
3: buy diver decoys
4: improve the boat that I have now
5: scout for new hunting opportunity

All in All I had a GREAT TIME!!!!!!!!!!!

Sounds like you have a good recipe to get back in the game next year.
Keep at it, its sure to get better!
I am glad to hear you had a great time and sorry to hear about the lack of birds.

I have been mixing it up a bit the last couple of years, hunting different spots and with different people. I felt I was in a bit of a rut prior to that and I needed to do something different.

I still have some tough outings but I have really enjoyed the change. I fully expect you will enjoy finding new ways to approach the sport, seeing new places and meeting new people.

Best of luck next year.
I think your list is in reverse order. I would scout out a new spot first as without a decent spot to hunt where there are birds, the other stuff, while fun to work on and all, won't matter much if you aren't shooting any birds.

Mark W
I live right of Lake Erie, I need a layout boat for when the divers are down. And for a sneak boat I need one for right off the metro parks and marshes. And decoys well that's a given.
Killing one flipping drake mallard is a start. Glad you shot that. There are many hunters who end their season with zero! How many days did you hunt?
I like your list. Looks like a dandy.
Like what has already been mentioned to you, do your homework next fall with a ton of scouting first. I'm glad you found out that your "old" spots were no longer productive or held too many hunters. That has happened to me, also.
Good luck.
Man, count your blessings----I am out for this season so far, with the possiblilty of hip replacement in the near future---had an all too quick weekend in quebec before our season opened, and was thankful for atv with wagon, which dropped us off a short walk from the blinds daily!
Spending time in the shop, making a few stool--may even do some cleaning.
Your not going to clean your workshop are you, you might get lost when you go in there.
Take care and God Bless
Eddie and Amber
Its all about Building that Bond.
Yep...been there done that. Just left the duck void of the midwest and now I'm in new country. I have to start it all over again. Ain't as easy at 55 as it was when I 25. I don't know if I'm to damn stupid or to damn stubborn but I can't quit now. So far I've shot 4 shells and nothing fell out of the sky but it's still good be able to go! I have marsh and ocean an no place to park a boat. How about that for a duck hunter!

Keep the faith. Do your homework. It'll get better.

Take care,

Ed L.
I have to say some of my lowest harvest years were my most memorable seasons! When I was young my Father said something to me that thankfully I never forgot, in fact it is below in one of my quotes. We hunt to create memories and to experience things many people we never get to experience. If we duck hunt to fill the freezer we are better off buying duck. I will guarantee you will remember parts of this season, not for the single mallard but for the frustration that is leading you to improve your situation in the outdoors. You will look back on this season as the catalyst for making you a better duck hunter and outdoorsman.
Hopefully we see a post from you next year that says, "now that I look back last year was the best season ever"!
Be sure to post pictures of your boats and decoys as you make progress this off season.
Jim, some of your advise is spot on. We're having a horrible season IMO. I have 4 ducks to my name in 5 outings. I could wrap it up but we have a big break and restart 14 Dec. We'll have to see how it goes. I guess when I see everyones photos we all hope to have the same luck. It's hunting like you said, we go out for the friendship, sun rises, and the "War stories" we repeat every year. Hang in there guys, one more duck tomorrow is more then we had today!

Good luck all.

Bill V