Youth Model 20 ga. What's available?

Pete McMiller

Well-known member
I'm looking for a Youth Model 20 ga. and really have no idea what's available. The used gun racks don't have too many to choose from. Anyone have one that their kid has outgrown and don't need anymore?

Pete, you really can't go wrong with an H&R single shot. That was my first gun and can't imagine how many birds and other game I brought down with that gun. I received a Charles Daily pump for my oldest a year ago and it's not bad. The fit and finish is what it is. You know the old saying about "you get what you pay for". I would think that either gun can be found somehwere near you at a pawn shop, gun shop or in the local paper. The new H&R's (Rossi) have been tough to find even at the big dealers like Walmart and Bass Pro which is headquartered right here where I live. Good luck, let me know what you find. dc
Don't have one but have a couple of comments on what is available.

Skip the single shot guns - all are no good (IMO) They do not have a good safety and they kick like a mule. I been with two kids who had those guns and they (the guns) scared me with the way the safety is on and escpecially the way the safety has to be reset after cocking the hammer back. Too easy for an accident. Some say these are good cause it gives the kid only one shot to hit something. I say just put one shell in a pump or semi auto and you can get the same effect with a gun that the kid can grow into.

I bought my son the 870 Youth - good gun, reliable and the resale is fairly high should I ever want to sell it. The other gun that I really liked was the Mossberg 500 (I think it was 500). It had a much shorter reach and was easier for a smallwer kid to get his arms around.

I know many have purchased semi auto's for the kids. I know that some are really light and I know some who say they ick because f this and others who say their kid loves the gun.

That's all I have. Happy to sell my son's 870 to you for a very special price - say $500 or so. It is an experienced gun and that has to be worth something.

Mark W
Thanks Mark,

I guess I don't need one that is THAT experienced. Looking more for a gun to start a youngster with not one that already knows everything - what fun would that be.

I have been thinking more along the lines of a pump actually. A friend has a 20 ga. 11-87 auto and has had all kinds of issues with it. Primarily not cycling properly.
Back in August, I bought my boy an 870 Express Youth Model in Synthetic, has the stock extensions with it to go from 12" to 13" LOP. From what I understand, I also get a standard length stock for it later on.
Basspro had them on sale, plus a Remington rebate and 10% off if you signed up for a BP card. So I got a pretty good deal at it, right at $200.00.

We have not shot it yet but it seems well made, solid. I like how easy it handles, I may shoot it this year.
It is still a little barrel heavy for my boy (he's pretty small framed for 9 years old), so he probably will wait until this coming summer to shoot.

I decided against a single barrel for all the reasons others have stated here & in the past: dont like hammer guns for kids (heck, when I was a kid I didnt like the hammer) and they kick like mules. I've got a cousin & a buddy who both let thier boys shoot a single barrel 20 as their first real gun to shoot, both of them are now "gun-shy" and not showing much interest in shooting shotguns anymore. Real bummer since both of these guys are big duck/small game hunters.
Single Barrels may be cheap but I dont see them as a value for kids.

BTW, Kent makes an all purpose 20 guage steel load that moves out at ~1450fps, around $9.99/box at BP.

That's a good deal alright and at a price that is affordable. I was looking at a local Gander Mtn yesterday and they wanted $320 for the 870 Youth. I guess I'll have to start looking around for deals.
Pete, My guess is that at $320 it came with a deer barrel also?? If that is just for the bird barrel it is too much. I will say this though..... I have the 870 model for my son and it is a great gun. When he is at school I actually take his gun upland hunting with me. He is 14 and has given me permission:)
The 37 was going to be my suggestion as well. Your gunsmith may need to open up the choke a bit but it's a darned light corn-sheller.
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I will recheck what I paid for it, but I know that after rebates, the gun, sling, snap caps, couple boxes of shells, cleaning swabs & brush and a few other accessories, it was under $300 total bill.
Thanks for the suggestion but I really don't know about a model 37. I've had a 12 ga. model 37 for 49 years and never realized how brutal it kicked me until I got an SBE. Now, a 20 ga. might be different. Something to check out.
The only guns you shoot any more are ladies or youth models, except the occasional shooting of your Benelli. What are you trying to do...corner the market?
I bought my 6 year old a Rossi combo .22 and .410. They make other models with 20 gauge. Paid about $100. .22 is pretty cool with the gun but the .410 kicks pretty good. Let my wife shoot it and she almost kicked my a$$ for doing so. It would have hurt my son.

Whenever I buy something, I always try to think what can I sell it for if I have to. You never know what you might find and then you'll have to liquidate quickly. Don't buy what other people want as well. You may pay a hundred to hundred and fifty more for the Remington but you'll always have a buyer for it as well.
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Pete, I think you might know what my vote might be. I just heard the other day that Remington has now produced 10 million 870's, that would seem that something is right with them. Can't help you out with a short one but that is what I would recommend. I detest anything with an exposed hammer for the safety issues and the singles do tend to discourage young shooters by beating them up.
$320.00 sounds about right for the 870 youth model.

I asked a rep a few years back @ a show why these are more than the standard 870's.

He stated that due to the size & fit, they are on a limited run & only produce so many a year.

They actually shut down the line, re-tool & run these guns.

Food for thought!!!
Tough to beat the 870...BUT
You might want to look into the Mossberg Bantam 500. The stock is easily adjusted for length (cant remember from what to what)
And Mossberg has a pretty good rep too :).
Pete,I bought my son a youth model 20gauge Stoeger o/u it is the youth model,ibelieve it is called a silver condor,dont hold me to it.The gun runs for around 325.00 I will check down here tomm at the local gun shop for you,Ill call you tomm with results Brian