Recent content by Chris Pratt

  1. Chris Pratt


    Jimmy, It's definitely worth going to! Hope your are doing well my friend. Long time no hear. Chris Pratt
  2. Chris Pratt

    Where are they now, former DHBP participants?

    Hey Gavin, I "tried" to call and have a conversation with you, but you were waaay too involved with you BBQ:-) Hope all is well. Chris
  3. Chris Pratt

    Tuckerton show...

    Hey Bill, I'll be there sat and sunday. Chris
  4. Chris Pratt

    Picking your brains....

    Bill, Unfortunately I got a promotion at work and it's been screwing with my priorities: duck hunting and decoy carving! Also, I thought H de G was the following weekend which I had off on Sunday before having to go to Chicago for work:-(( So I wont be able to make it this weekend. Just got...
  5. Chris Pratt

    Picking your brains....

    I bought my Karavan brand new for 500.00 from a small marina. All galvanized including the wheels. Chris
  6. Chris Pratt

    The exploding shotgun story.

    Ron, Django Reinhart only had 2 fingers to play guitar. He was one sensational jazz guitarist. Chris
  7. Chris Pratt

    300 movie review-NDR

    Me and the boy loved it. Will probably see it again soon. Chris
  8. Chris Pratt

    Check this blog out...

    That Zumbo guy is a real A**HOLE. His blog is intentionally inflamatory. His argumant is semi-auto=assault weapon=terrorist. And therefore anyone hunting with this type of gun is a "BAD HUNTER". Conclusion is that we should not associate with said "BAD HUNTER". Just MAYBE a semi automatic...
  9. Chris Pratt

    Mallard decoy

    looks great, cant wait to see it finished. Chris
  10. Chris Pratt

    Crow Hunting

    MMMmmmmmm crows and coot. Yum yum!!!!!! The kids liked them too. George you need to share that recipe! Chris
  11. Chris Pratt

    Bottom boards on cork decoys

    I never had problems with cork (tan or black) without bottom boards. But it wont hurt to add them if thats what you want to do. Chris
  12. Chris Pratt

    Who gets DU magazine and also....

    Messing with salespeople is a past time for me. I just love messing with them. One time, I had a job where we were given Nextels. I actually got a solicitation on the walkie talkie part of the Nextel phone. Some salesman thought I was a Dr, and was trying to sell me group health insurance for...
  13. Chris Pratt

    This you gotta see....totally NDR except flight is involved....

    Things like that happen when a guy has waay too much time on their hands:-)
  14. Chris Pratt

    I don't want you guys to think I've been slacking.

    Mike, I've been carving a little. Should pick up more as soon as my season is over.....Sounds like I need to put the wife and kids in bed a little earlier:-)) Chris
  15. Chris Pratt

    Marine grade plywood / Douglas Fir

    Andrew, Check with Noah marine. Their shipping charges were pretty good when I ordered my wood. Fir will check if it's not glassed. But you can get 3 oz glass that won't add too much weight. Chris