Duck Hunter Drowns on Guntersville

Same could said of the brakes on the vehicle you drive daily. Just another "mechanical life saving device" that we all trust and depend on, every time we get in a vehicle. I'm not trying to sway folks on their choice of PFD. My intent was to point out that inflatables provide as much or even more floatation than a foam PFD.
You underestimate me. I'm enough of a luddite that I'd go back to horse and buggy with stick to push against the wheel in a minute. 🤣
Interesting situation on my return to the launch on Saturday. The game wardens were there, checking primarily for life jackets. The weather wasn't particularly cold, but there was thin ice in the saltwater marsh. It was flat calm so there was a kayak or two paddling about as is typical. While I was talking with the wardens, we spot a couple of stand up paddleboards come around the corner of a creek. While hunting I had seen them quite far from shore, possibly 1/2 mile out. I don't think either person had a pfd of any kind aboard, they were in the very thin wetsuits popular among kayakers and paddleboarders. A lot of eye rolling between those of us on shore. I believe they got written warnings.

It did remind though, of my early years when we scuba dived year round. Quite a few expeditions under the ice, it's very interesting, kind of surreal, and not too scary for a kid. No way for me now. What got me thinking about it, was whether I would prefer a brand new pfd or a 7mm wetsuit (not the lighweight variety), should I find myself in the ice cold water that day. Or just standing on a paddleboard. I'm taking the wetsuit hands down. Not excusing what the paddleboarders did, just sayin'.
In a long ago part of my life I was a competitive swimmer, and I used to swim ocean races, including in Maine. I held a course record in one local race from my high school days when I was in good shape. That record fell hard the first year they allowed swimmers to wear wetsuits. The extra bouyancy reduces drag so much that times improved remarkably--the first 7 or 8 finishers that year all beat my old record. I'm still taking a good lifejacket. If I'm going to be floating, I want to float face up. Best option is one of these, and I really should get one: 1703626083917.png
Sorry to see this. Never like to hear about duck hunters dying, and a young man having his life cut short makes it worse.

Seems like it's always easy to let your guard's a short run, I know the river/lake, not a big deal,

Sad reminder that the sport we love so much can take your life.