Hey, one of our own !!

MLBob Furia

Well-known member
Looks like the very talented Vince Pagliaroli is going to have a one-man show and presentation. Wish I lived close and was able to make it.

Well done, Vince. Always a great thing to put waterfowl art and the rich heritage that goes along with it out in front of the general public in venues other than decoy shows.
Looks like the very talented Vince Pagliaroli is going to have a one-man show and presentation. Wish I lived close and was able to make it.

Well done, Vince. Always a great thing to put waterfowl art and the rich heritage that goes along with it out in front of the general public in venues other than decoy shows.
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Thank you very much for the post, much appreciated my friend.

As far as I know this is the first hunting/angling exhibit at the ACWC gallery. Therefore the goal is to educate, enlighten and show folks that hunters & anglers have a very important role in American society on many levels. The folk art director and the arts council director where here at our home for over 6 hrs. checking out my work & shop as well as our collection of other works in the genre. There were lots of Wows from each of them and Wows do not come easy from such folks as you well know. We gave the director a copy of Art Of The Decoy for library at the gallery. The gallery and arts council director has been surprised by the positive response she is getting concerning the show. We live in a very rural and outdoors folks area yet also a very art cultural area as well. It will be interesting to say the least. My job is to give a very short talk, take questions and then let the decoys & carvings do the work.

This has been a life long dream of mine as it is for most artists. When it happens it's a honor and very humbling. Shakes ya up.

Best regards

Congratulations Vince. I hope we see more about the show for those of us who cannot attend.

Thank you Eric.

You will be happy to know that my marsh boat & marsh rig, gunning box, well worn paddle, etc. are the centerpiece of the exhibit. The art director had many questions to how it is used. That the goal is not to wound birds, but to make cleanest kills possible and enjoy the eating of the birds. We are not blood thirsty killers as some folks may think. I did my best to enlighten her as to how hunters foot the bill for conservation & habitat. Her interest was genuine and that made me happy.

The gallery does not allow photos other than those taken by the gallery. Once that is done I'll see what I can do to post them.

Best regards
Mahzeltov, paisan.. This

Thank you very much for the post, much appreciated my friend.

As far as I know this is the first hunting/angling exhibit at the ACWC gallery. Therefore the goal is to educate, enlighten and show folks that hunters & anglers have a very important role in American society on many levels. The folk art director and the arts council director where here at our home for over 6 hrs. checking out my work & shop as well as our collection of other works in the genre. There were lots of Wows from each of them and Wows do not come easy from such folks as you well know. We gave the director a copy of Art Of The Decoy for library at the gallery. The gallery and arts council director has been surprised by the positive response she is getting concerning the show. We live in a very rural and outdoors folks area yet also a very art cultural area as well. It will be interesting to say the least. My job is to give a very short talk, take questions and then let the decoys & carvings do the work.

This has been a life long dream of mine as it is for most artists. When it happens it's a honor and very humbling. Shakes ya up.

Best regards

will be an impressive, eclectic showing of your abilities! XX
This is awesome Vince! I look forward to hearing how the show goes...
A few more photos and AWAY WE GO.......


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Great stuff Vince, you're a great one to help spread the knowledge and awareness of hunting, carving, crafting, and conservation community we all get to be apart of.

Congratulations, it is well deserved.
Thank you very much Ben. Will Primos got it right.

We each must do our part to enlighten those of our lifestyle and love of the outdoors. The feedback from non hunters and fisherfolks has been very positive. Decoys Lure People as well as fish and birds. Then the questions start and we better have positive answers.

Best regards


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