Building a Gunning Coffin


You are correct, it's a tight fit for my boots. They do need to tipped a bit to fit. I tried leaving an open area in the deck on one build version. It bothered me looking at the boots sticking up. I had the uncomfortable feeling I might shoot my toes off. One positive to a deck is that it provides a brace to help sit up to shoot.
Would,t say a 3" crown to center of covered deck alleviate the tight boot fit ? This allowing for feet to stay pointed up. I understand it starts to complicate build requiring ribs under decking for support.
Although I like the idea an appearance of an enclosed deck over ones lower half when laid out gunnin the bx needs to be built with enough height and deck crown for big booted feet so one doesn,t have to be uncomfortable with splayed out legs during hunt. I,m assuming with the way your design are covered in canvas thats not an issue as the covering would have a good amount of give to it.

Correct - the canvas has enough "give" to allow comfortable foot positions but also holds your feet down enough to help you lever up when sitting to shoot. Canvas also allows for light weight. The 33-34 pounds is for the completed box - but without any thatch.

34 pounds 1.jpg

All the best,

Would,t say a 3" crown to center of covered deck alleviate the tight boot fit ? This allowing for feet to stay pointed up. I understand it starts to complicate build requiring ribs under decking for support.
100% agree! Can't tell you how many times I've considered doing just that. Maybe when I retire, I'll spend the time to build a pair that way.

Correct - the canvas has enough "give" to allow comfortable foot positions but also holds your feet down enough to help you lever up when sitting to shoot. Canvas also allows for light weight. The 33-34 pounds is for the completed box - but without any thatch.

View attachment 57552

All the best,

I was trying to recall how much yours weigh. That's pretty sweet.
Finally got them painted. A couple coats of Parker DG, then dusted with rattle cans over a handful of ornamental grass to break up the squareness. More for me than the ducks. Looking at the photos, I may done just the opposite. :oops: I think I can live with it, old Mr. Black Duck will be the ultimate judge. :)

Rather than install canvas I bought a pair of Diane's covers. I think they're 8' long. They have grass loops, and can be grassed, rolled up and secured for transport with a built in strap. I'm thinking they can be draped around the cockpit and still cover a bit of the aft deck. We have customarily covered the deck with a bit of native grass growing in the vicinity of the hunt, atop a healthy pile of wrack. It should make transport a bit easier than the bulk and attached weight of grassed canvas. I didn't weigh them after glassing and paint, they were over forty pounds beforehand. Quite a bit heavier than Steve Sanfords design.

Do you use a MO marsh in visa lounge or similar seat in your boxes. Makes a world of difference as far as comfort if you haven't already tried one. Hardest part always to myself laying out was the comfort factor. Grassed up i'm sure Mr. Blk Duck will be trying to sit down on top of you.

I have not tried chairs/lounges. Thought about it, but wondered how it would fit. Perhaps I should try one. What has worked best for me in these is a WetMutt dog kennel mat on the floor and a life preserver cushion behind your head. Many naps have been had over the years.

I should add, the cushion kept me out of a jam once. One day the warden came along. I am OOS there, but not Maine. License, plug, boat registration, pfd's etc. for the 18' tow boat. Everything was good until he said, where's the pfd in THAT boat? Didn't matter to him that you don't ride in it on open water. Lucky the cushion was in there, he said ok, but you should have a life jacket too.
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I have not tried chairs/lounges. Thought about it, but wondered how it would fit. Perhaps I should try one. What has worked best for me in these is a WetMutt dog kennel mat on the floor and a life preserver cushion behind your head. Many naps have been had over the years.

I should add, the cushion kept me out of a jam once. One day the warden came along. I am OOS there, but not Maine. License, plug, boat registration, pfd's etc. for the 18' tow boat. Everything was good until he said, where's the pfd in THAT boat? Didn't matter to him that you don't ride in it on open water. Lucky the cushion was in there, he said ok, but you should have a life jacket too.
Been in same predicament with a warden during early teal several years ago. Shot my limit and paddling my hellbender back to launch site I was met by a warden that wanted to see my life preserver . This impound is about 2' deep in channels ,less in flats. Never crossed my mind to bring one but fortunately about that time a bunch of kids come flying in with a mud rig that he had the hots for and he quickly left me as they had been bending the rules all morning. He had been watching from a climbing tree stand in parking area.
Been in same predicament with a warden during early teal several years ago. Shot my limit and paddling my hellbender back to launch site I was met by a warden that wanted to see my life preserver . This impound is about 2' deep in channels ,less in flats. Never crossed my mind to bring one but fortunately about that time a bunch of kids come flying in with a mud rig that he had the hots for and he quickly left me as they had been bending the rules all morning. He had been watching from a climbing tree stand in parking area.
Thank you for reminding me. When I ordered the covers from Diane, I also picked up a large outboard motor camo cover. I bought a ProDrive boat/motor last year, I wanted a decent cover to use in the marsh as the unprotected engines don't like to get wet (rain, snow). That 40 hp engine is enormous by outboard motor standards. She shows it on her site on a 150. The large fits the PD quite well if anyone with a similar engine is looking.