Little treasure found

Gary Mills

New member
I found this little gem at a second hand store and guy sold it to me for $10. It is in excellent condition (just wish I had the box), it will go in my collection.


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I found this little gem at a second hand store and guy sold it to me for $10. It is in excellent condition (just wish I had the box), it will go in my collection.
Shows that even in the 1960s duck hunters were trying to add motion to the spread. Nothing is new just refined and improved(maybe).
I found this article on flap-o-matic that you might like to see. I find the wings to be quite realistic, especially for the time period it was made.

I found this article on flap-o-matic that you might like to see. I find the wings to be quite realistic, especially for the time period it was made.

I agree, we had one of those or identical back in the day. Last time I recall seeing it was when I was maybe ten years old. It had a jerk string to the blind. The wing flaps could be pretty realistic if you worked at it. I wonder why someone doesn't manufacture something similar today? Maybe it wouldn't command $300.

After thinking about it some more, the one I remember belonged to my Grandfather's hunting buddy "Brownie". Not sure what his real name was, but I assume Mr. Brown would be a safe bet. I think Brownie passed in the 60's, so it was a really long time ago that I played with that decoy. Thanks for the memories. (y)
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