eiders and scoters

Thanks guys. Just makes me wonder what all this black and white might do on the river around here. Brad, I have mallards decoy to my goldeneye frequently over mallard and wigeon decoys just 75 yards away. We have lots of common and hooded mergansers too and thought about making a few of those to see what they do to other ducks. Maybe even a red breasted merg, I've never shot one of those and would like to cross that off my waterfowl list. We see them on occasion, even decoyed one, but wasn't in merganser shooting that day and missed that opportunity. I'm about being species specific with my decoys, but have yet to shoot a merganser slam.

I could just do a bunch of coots, but where would the fun be in that.

The variety of bills was a challenge, they are fairly unfamiliar to me so it took a ton of research. I've got a pair of kings, common eider, and spectacled to make for a collector, so I'll be more familiar in the near future.