Search results

  1. G

    Cork decoys

    Thank you. I?m familiar with restless coating. I?m more concerned about the decoys soaking up water
  2. G

    Cork decoys

    Can I use resin to seal cork decoys? Is there an advantage to restle coating them?
  3. G

    Modifying cockpit

    I?ll try to take pictures tonight. I?ll mock up a frame for bigger cockpit later this week
  4. G

    Modifying cockpit

    I got a nice little higher this winter. The cockpit is a little small for me the boy and dog. I?m thinking of cutting old one out about six inches back and twelve or so forward. Building new cockpit from 1x4. Backing it from inse with pl and screws. Then glassing it in. Am I on the right track...
  5. G


    You're right doesn't matter. Looks good though
  6. G

    New to me Scaup

    If that's the boat the was for sale in January you beat me to it by 20 minutes. I'm looking for one like it. Plenty of rats here in Cape may county
  7. G

    Mossberg bantam

    Thanks for the input. Sx4 looks like a winner. Little pricy but probably what I want
  8. G

    WTB sneak boat

    Is this boat still available?
  9. G

    Lower unit issues

    Thank you very much guys. That is what I was looking for. Much appreciated
  10. G

    Lower unit issues

    I'm trying to find a lower unit for my yamaha. Does anyone know if 1999 yamaha 50 hp 4 stroke is compatible with a 2003? Can't find out anywhere
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    Mossberg bantam

    I can't find a youth auto. I've been looking. If anyone knows of any models let me know. It's not an emergency but I'd like to do it. I want to do it soon as getting guns is a pita
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    Mossberg bantam

    He's got a 20 gauge. Thinking ahead a little.
  13. G

    Mossberg bantam

    Is that Charles Daly a youth sized 12 gauge auto? That would be just about perfect
  14. G

    Mossberg bantam

    I'm thinking about getting my 13 year old a 12 gauge for next season. Does anyone have any experience with the Mossberg youth? And do the stocks swap out with standard lop stocks?
  15. G

    South Bay Duck Boat Seating

    I think the important part of Steve's suggestion is that you get your butt up so your legs are under you instead of in front (cramped). Sticking up a little isn't the worst thing as long as they don't see you move. That's why I'm looking for something for the kid and I. And dog
  16. G

    Looking for garvey

    That scalp is sweet. Unfortunately I'm in South jersey. Bit far
  17. G

    Looking for garvey

    Saw that. I'm going to touch base with him again. Thanks
  18. G

    Looking for garvey

    I'm looking for a garvey or similar about 14' or so. Something big enough for two guys and dog
  19. G

    Sunfish conversion

    Not big enough for my son and I. Great for one guy and dog. $800 boat and trailer
  20. G

    WTB sneak boat
