Yes, you could use epoxy resin to coat cork decoys. I typically use Spar Varnish - but epoxy would certainly provide a tougher skin. With either, you need to manage the drips and runs that happen before full cure, especially with epoxy. I usually hang my birds tail down during the cure. With either sealer, I wipe the inevitable big drop that collects at the point of the tail while the material has not yet hardened.
Either sealer needs to be scuff sanded (80-grit is fine) before applying paint - always more work with epoxy. The epoxy would also need to be washed with warm water to remove any amine blush - which prevents paint adhesion.
Restle coating (or similar treatments with ground walnut shells etc) do a great job of reducing shine BUT be aware that the rough surface will hold fine mud and can be very tough to clean. I have had to repaint some decoys that had been exposed to clay-like mud.
All the best,