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  1. R. Greco

    Herters 81 X 72 X 24

    I always grab the block from the bottom and across the keel and figure 8 the line around head and tail..Then the ring anchor over the head of the block..Never hold from the head..Just how Ive always done it...when I take out a new guy and he starts to wrap around the keel I always chuckle to...
  2. R. Greco

    Herters 81 X 72 X 24

    That is a sweet looking rig!
  3. R. Greco

    Recommendations for Safely Testing an Outboard Engine in a garage

    I always test start and run my motors in the driveway prior to launching. (Great neighbors)...using the earmuffs and garden hose..I usually only let it run at idle and always keep an eye on it..I never knew about the RPM's being different and possibly damaging...Lucky for me I never had a...
  4. R. Greco

    Tom Rowe's flocked Broadbill

    Sometimes you guys really amaze me at what can be made by the hand of man...beautiful!
  5. R. Greco

    More trailer light gremlins

    I only use my trailer once to launch in the fall and once again to haul out at seasons end..I go very early sunday mornings..I dont live far from the ramp..the endless yearly wiring is a pain..I just haul and wing it...
  6. R. Greco

    Intro and some pics

    Looking to do my boat in raffia next season what colors did you use?
  7. R. Greco

    Bufflehead Truce...

    Unless I'm taking out someone who needs a new mount I always let em fly..I just like watching them go by these days....
  8. R. Greco

    Blind bag recommendations

    I have a Final Approach shoulder type bag that I love so much I think I'll be buried with it! Its probably 10 yrs old and made of reallly tough cordora nylon in shadow grass camo...not flimsy like alot of the newer bags.. Its small,light and holds alot of stuff..Last year I left it outside by...
  9. R. Greco

    Hybrid Debate

    Looks more mallard than blackie
  10. R. Greco

    South Bay Spa Treatment

    Just realized this morning this boat is moored 2 slips away from my boats at the marina..Nice work
  11. R. Greco

    Does Anyone have Advice on Buying versus Making their own Decoys?

    In response to the OP there is nothing sensible or economic when it comes to duck hunting..
  12. R. Greco

    Anyone ever had a dog do this?

    I Just recently lost my Lab of 13 years.In the last few seasons he would just for some reason be real tough on geese...He would bring them half way or most of the way back and proceed to mutilate them in plain sight knowing I couldnt reach him and watching me scream and lose my mind..these were...
  13. R. Greco

    TUTORIAL - Painting Canada Goose Gunners

    Very nice work as usual! I have a few of those Bean geese from many years ago. Still remember that fresh cork smell opening the boxes on Christmas morning......
  14. R. Greco

    "You Were There"

    When I took my then young daughter on a road trip to Delaware to pick out a new Lab pup out of five handsome boys "You Were There" After 6 months of training I introduced Sammy to the great sport of waterfowling and he got his first Mallard and a goose "You Were There" After a few years and...
  15. R. Greco

    How many hunters is too many?

    I have a 17' TDB...It can and has on many occasion taken on a 4 hunter group. It can be fun if you hand select the guys and you know their personalities and how they hunt etc..That being said aside from those early times when all my hunting was done with my Dad...most of my best hunts have been...
  16. R. Greco

    Thoughts on Cork Goose Decoys

    During the regular season a few cork geese (3-6) set off to the side of your duck rig aught to bring in a single or pair looking for a place to land without adding too much weight.Once the season closes and its goose shooting only I like to add numbers and will load up the boat with my plastic...
  17. R. Greco

    one pic from 2014. Wont be long!

    kids,Snow blinds and dead ducks....awesome
  18. R. Greco

    The Cost of Duck Hunting...

    Pouring that first cup of coffee...."5 minutes till shootin' time" hmmmmmm...
  19. R. Greco

    cork vs plastic decoys

    Plastics float "on" the water and are good in small water situations or where weight and/or numbers are a big factor but will bob badly in hard waves.Cork blocks float "in" the water and are best in coastal and rough water conditions.Plus the appeal of hunting over something completely made by...
  20. R. Greco

    Nav light installation on Devlin Snowgoose

    I installed the removable type too when I needed to replace the original on my Classic TDB. The short one always seemed to get in the way especially when the dog would enter/exit.It got pretty beat up over time.Now after everyone is on board and ready to leave the dock I just push it into the...