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    wood duck project

    Eric Wood Duck boxes are a great way to help the wood duck population. It takes time to build them or buy them. It takes time to mount them. It takes time to check them. And lots of time to keep track of them. With that all said! its worth every second to me and all the people that do it...
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    wood duck project

    Wood duck boxes are set to go in next week, This will put our count up to about 185 in the last four years. If only 10% takes that is still a lot of birds. We have had great success in the last few years so I hoping it keeps up. This is good for everyone. The hunter the bird watcher. From north...
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    Hunting the white bird

    Carl My friend your so right. Even if its not your thing a person should just watch snow geese in action. When you see a white tornado falling from the sky. It something only God himself could of made. The first time I saw that. I couldn't even get a shot off.
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    Hunting the white bird

    In a few weeks my youngest son and I are off to hunt snow goose once again. For the last seven years or so we been heading to Western NY for snow geese. It is a total different kind of hunt for those who never did it before. We have hunted in fields in layout blinds, pit blinds, in the wood...
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    wood duck project

    Hello Everyone! Its that time of year again.When I keep my club busy putting up wood duck boxes. We will be placing 25 more wood duck boxes out this month. Unless the weather turns bad and then we will have to wait until next month. We will be mounting a bunch of them on post and with guards...
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    Duck Jerky Advice

    Mike I put my meat in the freezer for about one to two hours. Then just take a sharp knife and you can get pretty close cuts of even meat. I do that with beef, geese, ducks turkey, Works great for me . Hope this helped.
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    Anyone have advice/experience hunting Lake Champlain ?

    Alan I have hunted the Lake many times also. You should be okay but ! like the others have told you. It can turn nasty really quick. Even if the shooting is great! get out of there if it starts to get ruff. Been there done that. Not fun at all.
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    Waterfowl Wealth at 60

    I am sure that all of us have waterfowl wealth. Some of us love our guns boats, decoys etc. But as you get older your wealth changes more then you think. As a up coming duck hunting my wealth was my old spring field side by side shot gun. That my dad gave to me. Then it was a a fourteen foot...
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    New Wood Duck Project

    To all Over the years I have read many different ways of doing things with wood duck boxes. Early in our building we use to build community boxes. Which I read ! many times that the wood ducks are community birds. I also read that putting boxes close together was a good thing. And I also...
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    New Wood Duck Project

    Blake I'll have to dig out are plans. But its just as easy to look it up on line. There are many different plans out there. Pick one you like and go with it. If I can help let me know.
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    New Wood Duck Project

    Paul What a nice job by you guys. My hats off to you. That is a great rate of success on the duck. Well then New York and New Jersey are doing their part. Sending some nice birds down South to our friends down there. I know that there lots of good people out there doing great things for...
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    New Wood Duck Project

    Steve old buddy , Just get off your back side and build a box or go buy one. I can't hammer a nail worth carp . But I get things done. If you love duck hunting and there are wood ducks where you live then go for it. Find a buddy you hunt with and maybe a few kids and get something started. There...
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    New Wood Duck Project

    This years Wood Duck project is just about ready to start. Last year we put out around sixty boxes up and down the Hudson River Valley. We mounted them in trees and on ponds and swamps. We had success in the last few years with lots of boxes producing. We didn't put any guards on last years...
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    Happy New Year

    Lets never forget those we loved and lost in the past. Let's look forward to the New Year with hope of peace and happiness for all. Good Health to everyone, And a great population of Ducks and Geese. 2020 could be that year for all of us. Well we can wish can't we !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God Bless
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    Dog question for the brain trust here

    Dani I'm a old duck hunter from way back. When I hunted my labs in the field.I used to have neoprene vest on them in the field. Also neoprene leg wraps I seen on some dogs. Take a old pair of chest waders cut them to size and have them stitch. They work great and save many dogs legs , Happy...
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    What a pussy....

    S Lewis Well said sir! But just getting out even if it is warm and sunny is still getting out. I agree with everything you say. But just keep trying until the good lord says no hunting for you. God Bless and Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    What a pussy....

    Tod Not a puss! but a smart man. Every man wakes up and goes through should I stay or should I go. I did the same during a two foot snow storm this year. The birds were lined up on the water like crazy. But I sat home. I feel your pain. But I stayed warm. Happy New Year.
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    Am I too old?

    Ed You do what you think is right ! Your only as old as you feel. Maybe you go that root and you carry a small electric motor with you just in case. Also if you love the sport better to go out doing what you love then in front of the tv. I'm sixty and have some major health stuff. But I do...
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    Merry Christmas to All Our Friends!

    Larry Sorry I missed your Christmas wishes. Happy New Year to you and yours.
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    Another Season Come Gone

    MLBob My friend your so right. Leaving the house pulling the boat. Is know different for me today then thirty years ago. I still can wait to back the truck in and head down river. When your hunting waterfowl your not a old fart or a young buck. Your a duck hunter and your seeing the...