anthony m coons sr
Well-known member
In a few weeks my youngest son and I are off to hunt snow goose once again. For the last seven years or so we been heading to Western NY for snow geese. It is a total different kind of hunt for those who never did it before. We have hunted in fields in layout blinds, pit blinds, in the wood line. Not always having the greatest hunting days, Out there the weather chances so fast. That a good day turns into freezing your butt off and snow falling or wind knocking you over. But we still go and enjoy everyday know matter what. Two years ago the guide called off the hunt because with the wind chill it was 30 degrees below zero , Last year the wind was out of this world and nothing was flying in. But a few years back about ten thousand geese came in. Maybe not that many but you get the idea. It was so loud you could not even hear your gun go off. The same year from 9 AM to 4 PM we were in the blind and never once did the high flying birds stop migrating. I still keep my plug in. I can't get passed that and I still out shot a bunch of the other hunter. Seeing so many birds of all kinds makes it even cooler. But when a big flock of mallards land in the field it pisses me off we can't shoot them lol. This time in my life I just want to watch and shoot a little and enjoy my family and friends. But if you get a chances to hunt snow geese on a good day. You'll be wishing that all water fowl hunting was that great. Oh by the way ! don't get hit by one falling on you . It really hurts.
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