Search results

  1. Bob M

    Re-Painting brand new decoys - GHG Buffleheads

    Hey John The buffies were painted for me and the paint held up great. Best Bob
  2. Bob M

    South Bay Spa Treatment - 2018 #1

    Excellent job as always Steve.
  3. Bob M

    They're still HERE

    You guys have a decent number of resident eiders up there right Troy ? Beautiful pics !
  4. Bob M

    Perhaps it's time...

    You and your family are in my thoughts Jon
  5. Bob M

    Federanko boats?

    Heard only good things about your boats Don. Best of luck with the newest versions Bob M
  6. Bob M

    It is nice to be back at DHBP

    John If your saying I have to go back to work to get rid of Tom I just might do it.[;)]
  7. Bob M

    It is nice to be back at DHBP

    Oh lord he can't be any more of a rube than you left at my doorstep last time
  8. Bob M

    It is nice to be back at DHBP

    . . . You're such a kiss ass. If he liked you he wouldn't have dumped you on ME. Face it he's just not into you.
  9. Bob M

    April Workbench

    Nice work on the heads Steve.
  10. Bob M

    Where did spring go?

    Well you have the mindset of a retired guy down already Dave LOL
  11. Bob M

    Brothers ( new pics added)

    Great looking pup Phil
  12. Bob M

    Is it just me?!?!?!

    Exactly Tod. Thanks Eric.
  13. Bob M

    Is it just me?!?!?!

    hahahahahaha probably T
  14. Bob M

    Is it just me?!?!?!

    Same here Tod.
  15. Bob M

    Long Island Decoy Show

    hahahahahaha Stay well Steve BTW those mallards from McCormick came out great. Best Bob
  16. Bob M

    Long Island Decoy Show

    Will you have my boat with you Steve ?
  17. Bob M

    150 E-Tech Gen II

  18. Bob M

    VanSant Sneakbox - getting closer to the water

    BEAUTIFUL work Steve.