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  1. U

    Foam goose rehab ?'s

    to the 3/4" artist's flat brush, I would consider adding a bristle fan brush, in the largest size you can find for doing the flank and chest feather edges. But if you are going to burlap 'em, it might be hard to do any details at all. Might want to experiment with sponging for blends and...
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    flattie decoys

    I am totally in awe of anyone who takes the time and concern to make great decoys like the canvas covered ones Chuck posted. My goodness, I am not careful enough or detail oriented enough to ever turn out craftmanship like that. Someday, I will take you up on your offer to help me learn...
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    The great Stuttgart Splashdown -PART VIII (final installment) NEW 3/3

    One addition/correction. I am the Mike Pierce Joe refers to in his story. My son's name is Rick, and he is also a duckboats member. I was blessed to have known Joe as a carving and painting mentor back when I thought I wanted to be a competitive decoy carver. I met him going to decoy...
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    The great Stuttgart Splashdown -PART VIII (final installment) NEW 3/3

    My mom and dad used to write a regular outdoor and camping column for Midwest Outdoors. I think they still do a few submissions. Mike
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    flattie decoys

    I been around a lot, but am unfamiliar with "trestle coating". What is it? We could add painting 4 dozen flatties to the painting seminar when I am down in April :-) Many hands make light work. I remember one day when Rick and I repainted 5 dozen full sized Bluebill decoys in about...
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    diver duck calls..............

    A final upate on the diver duck call quest. Thanks to great information from Duckboats members, I tracked down a source for the Olt (now DJ's Calls) adjustable diver call. It arrived in the mail Saturday, and it is great. As advertised, it can be easily and quickly adjusted in tone by...
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    Diver long line storage

    I think the guys that use slotted decoy bags furnished the answer to that. How you transport and handle the decoys from home to the boat to the gunning area and how you deploy them can cause more scuffs and scrapes than the hardware and rigging attached to the decoys. Slotted bags are...
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    Shoulder Replacement NDR

    Get at least a second opinion, and for it, go to an orthopedic specialty center in a larger hospital, if available. I know of lots of information on replacement knees and hips, none on replacement shoulder joints. My wife is an RN who has an orthopedic specialty certification. She daily cares...
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    lake superior market hunting

    Jake, It appears by the number of "looks" and the lack of "posts" that no one knows of any definitive information on a Lake Superior market hunting connection. Fisheries? Logging and sawmills? Sunken ships/shipwrecks? Shooting of deer to feed lumberjacks at the camps? Trapping of fur...
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    simple garage tool decoy carving

    If you lived closer to WI, I'd gladly teach you that carving is the easy part............. and also about fly fishing for smallmouth bass on breaks from class........... Mike
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    flattie decoys

    probably a great idea. I think I didn't think of it, and might resist canvas decoys because I don't know enough to do them quickly or well. I have a lot of experience with foam, cork, and wood, so I know I can do thsoe type of decoys quickly and I know what I am getting into with them...
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    flattie decoys

    thanks for the photo and reply........... I am never sure I understand what really is happening as I watch duck behavior in regards to decoys and calling. There is no way to set a control group for comparison and there are so many variables with each flock of birds that I only have the good...
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    Diver long line storage

    I have never done anything but keep the decoys attached to the long line, even store them that way in the off season. A couple of advisories: 1. What you keep the rig in and run it out of is critical, 2. what you use for the main line and its stiffness are critical. 3. How you attach decoys...
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    More Pond Box Pictures...

    thanks ed, for setting me to the right post and information. If I do it, I'll do it a little differently that that, cutting the sides lower, just above the stiffener/spray rail, and removing all the seats. But his approach also gives me a thought of maybe building a self supporting...
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    What else can you make decoys from????

    for years there was a company located between Muscatine, Iowa and Burlington, Iowa that made Otter solid styrofoam decoys. The owner even sold unpainted decoys for a reasonable price. I owned several dozen cans and bluebills and loved them. Not as good as Herters, but a reasonably...
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    More Pond Box Pictures...

    If I really wanted a pond boat of smaller dimensions, the price for the one displayed seems really fair, and I'd buy it versus building one. I prefer the larger dimensions of the one Ed is designing, but I'd want to make it light enough to pull of a simple trailer by myself and capable of...
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    New Foamer/Burlap Prototypes

    thanks for posting the updates. The one thing I'd want to avoid, whenever possible, would be a bottom board, so I'd be interested to see how the plain burlapped ones without the bottom board hold up as compared to the bottom boarded models. My objections to bottom boards? they are...
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    flattie decoys

    All you fans of flatties, I am looking for information and input. December of 2012, I hunted with Steve McCullough, a duckboats member. He used two strings of flatties as a part of the decoy spread with layout boats. He placed the flatties nearest the landing zone/"kill" hole, noting that...
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    What else can you make decoys from????

    Cost effective and effort effective are relative. Make sure you understand all the costs (glue, bottom boards, keels, paint, eyes, etc), and the long term durability of whatever you make......... and understand the effort quotient. I made a small rig of brown cork bobtail diver decoys this...
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    diver duck calls..............

    To all who have helped and responded to my original post, THANKS! I today ordered a DJ (Olt) diver call, but keep the suggestions coming. I may buy others..........