Search results

  1. Capt'n Mitch NEE

    Keo is now with Meg

    Hi Eddie, I'm sorry for your loss as I lost one of my Great dogs last July,Sandy was her name,I will post some pic's in the future,but I went and bought a new pup right away,an impulsive buy maybe,but the new edition keeps me busy with my other lab Audie,like you and the rest of us we...
  2. Capt'n Mitch NEE

    Source for leaded longline?

    Google "lobster gear supply" and you can get sinking line from a supplier cheap!!
  3. Capt'n Mitch NEE

    duck water boats

    Check their web site they warrantee their hulls for 15 years and prices seem reasonable. Check the ocean series.
  4. Capt'n Mitch NEE

    No sadness here, but an old friend

    Have many of the same memories!! Boy does time fly!!
  5. Capt'n Mitch NEE

    NDR US NAVY ships

    My dear friend served with Halsey and was in that typhoon on the U.S.S.Baltimore a heavy cruiser ,his ship towed the sheared bow of the Pittsburgh back to port I still enjoy a cold beer with him at our local Elks Lodge! Not many of them left!!
  6. Capt'n Mitch NEE

    dogs & boats

    Side stern or where ever-scruff of the neck,I bought one of those Avery dog vest with the slots to pick up the dog,I like it and its a little easier on his neck and throat.Ladders? how much more sh-t can you fit in the boat?? Good Luck!!
  7. Capt'n Mitch NEE

    Pearl Harbor Day

    Glad I'm not alone,I never forgot it or 6-6-1944!! God job guys!!
  8. Capt'n Mitch NEE

    Eider Decoy

    I've been using Quack decoy's since 1976!! "INDESTRUCTABLE!!" Stiil have the originals and I'm rough on my gear!! Just bought another 36 scoter jumbo mags. Call Kenny Gagnon at Quack ,mention my name if you want!! Good Luck
  9. Capt'n Mitch NEE

    I hate thieves

    Tom, I had to kick a guy out of my stand i had on Nantucket for 30 years, when I came back that afternoon the m-----f---- cut the tree down,he was from N.J. and I'm still looking for that scumbag!!
  10. Capt'n Mitch NEE

    Retained bullets in animals, specifically deer....

    Tod, Back in the mid 80's I shot a doe on Nantucket Island,when I went to retrieve her I noticed that one of her front legs was swollen immensley,I tagged her and the bioligist weighed her and aged her,she was 11years old at 113 pounds. An old deer and big for the island! Anyway when I...
  11. Capt'n Mitch NEE

    Garage floor clean up question-NDR

    Dilute the acid and rinse immediately after scrubbing or try bleach,but dont let it sit or like the man said -it will etch the floor!
  12. Capt'n Mitch NEE

    90 hp suzuki SOLD

    Hi Tom, I got the jacket seems fine. Thanks, MITCH
  13. Capt'n Mitch NEE

    Boat blind-??

    Thanks Guys, Will post some pic's when I'm done!!
  14. Capt'n Mitch NEE

    Some pics---

    Al, Awesome pictures! Looks like good muley country!
  15. Capt'n Mitch NEE

    capt'n mitch NEE get in touch with me

    Check your P.m. Thanks Mitch
  16. Capt'n Mitch NEE

    NDR - Fishing Question

    Would it be and I think it is,is that a Fisherman= one who makes an income/living-from fishing Angler=one who fishes for sport/fun. Make Sense?? It does to me
  17. Capt'n Mitch NEE

    Boat blind-??

    Will do,Thanks guys,I'll post some pictures when I'm done!!
  18. Capt'n Mitch NEE

    brant pics

    As usual nice pictures Brian!! I was looking for leg bands-!
  19. Capt'n Mitch NEE

    Had some luck caribou hunting last week.

    GOOD STUFF AND GOOD EATING!! Keep 'em coming!! Was Bear Season Open??
  20. Capt'n Mitch NEE

    Boat blind-??

    Hi Guys, I just picked up A 20' Privateer and I'm looking for a blind for it,the whole boat is going to be painted camo,so I need something from the gunnels up. Any help is appreciated! Size=95"w x 20L A THANKS IN ADVANCE...