I hate thieves

Tom L

Active member
last week I went out to check my ladderstand that I put up last month, a few branches in the way so I returned last night to clip a few branches and someone had stolen the whole thing. drag marks out into the field behind me that are only accessible by a gun club that hunts there. man I hate thieves
they took the stand , cover, roof, and I had placed my summit seat in it for comfort last year, all gone,
went to the farmer who leases the property he says he could care less. gave him my number so the club pres could call me
doubt it will ever happen.
owe and since they stole mine, they decided to put up another ladder stand 50 yards away from my spot.
what a bunch of dirtbags

been hunting this spot for 18 yrs with no problems and now this.
owe and since they stole mine, they decided to put up another ladder stand 50 yards away from my spot.
what a bunch of dirtbags

been hunting this spot for 18 yrs with no problems and now this.

I think I would have made sure I well hydrated, then climbed up into that new stand and "hosed" it down, if you get my drift. Least would have made you feel better, and would ruin their hunt in more than one way.
Funny how I never hear of anybody getting their climbing tree stand stolen.....

But it sucks that it happened nonetheless.

Better than the other suggestion, eat a big bowl of chili then go pay a visit to the other stand.....
In the tree stand section of most sporting stores is a cable treestand lock. One never knows when you'll need one and it sounds like it's too late so if you're going to leave a stand in the woods, lock it to keep the dirtbags from putting a dent into your season. Expensive lesson but next time, put the lock on.
I do two things when putting up my stands now... I have also had a stand stolen. Here is what you do and it's pretty foolproof, but requires a little extra effort..

First of all, never put up a stand unless it's locked to the tree. I go to the local hardware store and buy a cable for locking up bikes and a good lock. When I put up the lock, it's always at the top of the stand and it make it so the tree trunk or cable would have to be cut in order to steal the stand.

The next thing I do, especially if there is a chance people will screw with your stand, is go out and buy an inexpensive digital trail camera (Wildgame Innovations makes several models well under $100). I find the closest tree which faces the side/back of the tree my ladder stand rests on (this is key) and using a ladder or climbing treestand I put the camera about 20ft up in the tree. You have to put it high so nobody sees it, you also have to put a block of wood behind the top of the camera as a shim so it points down towards the base of your ladder stand. Now you may ask why I place it on a tree behind or off to the side of the tree with the ladder in it? This is so you get photos of peoples faces, instead of their backs when they are climbing your stand.

If you want to go one step further, you can even prevent anyone from going up in your stands by getting some sheet aluminum cut the same width as your ladder and about 4-5ft long. Then you drill several holes and lock the sheet of aluminum to the ladder, thus preventing access to the ladder steps. Paint the sheet of aluminum with some camo paint and leave it on the ground under your stand when you are hunting in it.

Sorry to hear yours got stolen, there is NOTHING WORSE THAN A THEIF! The only thing I can say is catching a guy stealing your stand makes it all worth it. Photographic evidence doesn't lie! The local cops will handcuff him in a second when you show them the photos, maybe he will even lose his hunting license.

Best of luck to you...
That sucks but vengence can be fun. If I were you, I'd pee into a bucket every chance I got. Then, right before season, I'd dump it all around their blind.
Bummer on the theft. It gets hard to tolerate.

As to the suggestions made to pee near their stand....that actually helps them. Sorry, waste of time. Urine actually attracts bucks who come in to "taste" the urine to see if there are pheramones present to tell him that a doe is "in heat". There have been several studies on the urine thingy, so..........I'd recommend urinating around your own stand........close enough to him to see him shoot the deer he was waiting for. ;)
owe and since they stole mine, they decided to put up another ladder stand 50 yards away from my spot.


It is indeed unfortunate that you stand was stolen.

I do wonder how you determined that the same individual or group of individuals (they) that took your stand are also the same group which put up the other stand. If you know this as fact, then it should be a simple process to identify the thief.

Tom, I thought i was reading a buddies story here in ohio. Same deal, leased property (club) behind his property three stands stolen, I believe they were chained and cut, though. Sorry to hear, but dirt bag thieives a plenty even in our hunting community.

Geminski, Nice ideas, sounds like something I'd do.

Boy that sucks! Sorry to hear that. Lou is right deer could care less about urine. But a good healthy dump at the foot of the stand the day before the opener.....well thats a different story! :)
We mark all of our stands. Take a metal stamp and put the last numbers of your social security # some where on the stand and paint over. Good way to identify it for the cops or game wardens.
Matt, Use the mothballs like TGentry says, they work and I have used them for years keeping deer out of the garden. They won't even come near the mothballs. Try it out as it won't hurt a thing.
I know the cops love photography with faces. I had three people prosecuted for stealing copper out of our warehouses in the last year. I have IR deercams mounted in the rafters in places and 1 at the entrance showing them coming in along with a no trespassing sign and when they come out hualing their loot. It's nothing to us as the power hasn't been on in years and the place is now empty but it still our stuff! We paid for it not them. I love the ones of no trespassing on the way out with the sign beside their head.
I had to kick a guy out of my stand i had on Nantucket for 30 years, when I came back that afternoon the m-----f---- cut the tree down,he was from N.J. and I'm still looking for that scumbag!!