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  1. B

    Rail hunt

    Jode. That rail hunt of yours looks like a hunt from the 'good old days'. Enjoy while you can. Bob.
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    Ten plastic decoys, 5 blackducks, 5 divers. Pick them up in Maine. New Price $30.....SOLD for $25........

    All ten decoys have no holes from being shot. All have decoy cords, some have weighs. Pick them up in Maine for $30. SOLD..
  3. B

    NEW PRICE ! Cabela's oversized Black duck decoys, cork body with plastic heads. 4 for New price ....$80.....SOLD.

    The 4 decoys only used one season and are in 95% + original pay postage from 04979. Cabela's and L L Bean no longer list cork decoys in there site. $80. for all + $20. shipping.
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    The Outlaw Gunnner, book by Harry M. Walsh M. D.

    Third printing in 1973. Book is in fine condition with great dust jacket. Lots of photos of early decoy makers, guns, boats, and gear. $50. I pay postage.
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    Now Appearing at museum

    P. M. to you.
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    Question to New Jersey decoy collectors. Who made this N J black duck ?

    Don A. You are the second person to say Clark's brother. I think you are both correct. Bob......Picture is a brant I made back in the 1960's, while living in Pitman, N J.
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    Question to New Jersey decoy collectors. Who made this N J black duck ?

    This decoy came with 4 other decoys made by Clark Madera, from Pitman N. J. The body is 14" long, hollow body, head without eyes. The body looks like a Madera body, to me. I'm not sure of the head. Any Madera experts out there? Bob.
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    Anyone know a rail hunting guide in NJ

    Josh. We never used guides for rail hunting. When I lived in south N J , this was our method of rail hunting in early season mild weather. We hunted from the Cape May County causeways. Long pants, long sleeve shirts, sneakers and a good quality flotation belt were worn. For our cartridges a...
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    Sea duck decoysI have known.

    Troy. I hope my eider decoys work as well for you,as they did for me.,......Danl. Thanks for the compliment. Bob. . This scooter decoy, I believe is by Warren Wass from Wass Island.
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    Sea duck decoysI have known.

    SJS. That is one great boat gripper. A few years ago a local hunter had me make a standing seagull for the prow of his scull boat. He felt it let him get a few yards closer to his pray.
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    Sea duck decoysI have known.

    Just thought I would post a picture of sea duck decoys I made for my rig, and are now retired, like me.
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    Chesapeake Bay decoys for sale.

    On the left is a mallard, then a drake canvasback, made by Jim Currier of Harve de Grace Md. The third and forth decoy from the left, are a hen canvasback and a drake black head made by Madison Mitchel, of Harve de Grace Md. All decoys are in original paint. The Jim Currier decoys have never...
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    My other 'sneak box'.

    This sneak box was made for me by the late Harry V Shourds III.
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    Harry Shourds III decoys for sail

    Harry's decoys are made hollow of white cedar with glass eyes. Rigged and ready to hunt. Original paint. $150. each + postage from 04979, package under 5 pounds.The black duck is SOLD
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    Ugh.....oh well, back to the workbench.

    I have had a couple old decoys that have had a hand full of sand added to the hollow. This lets the hunter shift the sand on a leaning decoy. I have done this my self.
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    Herter's World Famous Vit Glodo Goose Call. For Sale...Sold.

    New old stock. Never got to go hunting is this new old stock 1950's goose call. Complete with original instructions, original box, as recieved. Works fine. Shipped in U S, new price $60..
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    Close calls

    A few years ago when you could still take seven Eiders a day. My partner and I shot what we wanted and because the north wind came up so strong, we headed back to the beach where the truck was. Must have been 35 - 40mph wind from the north and that was the direction we had to go. Scared the...
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    Older Herters foam, I think?

    Yup, Herters for sure from 1950's - 60's. I still have the catalogue I ordered the decoys, calls, weights from. Only 3 scaup decoys left.
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    Antique Old Squaw drake from Nova Scotia.

    Solid chip carved wood body, glass eyes, baleen tail feather, outstanding paint, rigged to hunt. $300. Plus shipping from 04979, package 5 pounds. SOLD.
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    Pair of 1950 'CARRY LITE'' Golden Eye decoys, original paint.

    A barn find, this pair of paper machi golden eye decoys has 98% original paint, glass eyes, built in weight and line tie. Bottom of decoys are deeply factory marked CARRY LIGHT. Hard to find in pristine condition. Paint tail rub can be seen on hen. $48. Plus postage from 04979, package about 4lb.