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  1. R

    Alumnacraft Ducker For sale.

    Good morning Henry, I have an interest in your boat. Could you call me at 574 596 4012. Please leave a message if I don't answer. Thank you RVZ
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    More Canada Restrictions Against US Hunters

    That's a new one. A crane season in Michigan or Indiana would be helpful. If they open one would you share the recipe? RVZ
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    The 1983 Merrymeeting Scull Boat Project

    You can scull right down the middle of a rafted flock of Ruddies and give them the stanky eye. RVZ
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    The 1983 Merrymeeting Scull Boat Project

    Very interesting thread. I own a LSB sculler purchased from Lou in 1988. We picked it up at his home near Lake St Claire as a kit and assembled it that summer. I believe both Gene Chandler and Chuck Brownewell made molds and produced the first sculler here in Elkhart Indiana. Lou may have been...
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    Hello All!

    Way to go John! Keep the tradition alive and kicking. RVZ
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    Stay positive and have faith. Keep us posted when you can. RVZ
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    Story from Fifth Grade

    Graduated in 74. Drinking age in Michigan was 18. If you were tall enough to get your quarter on top of the bar they would serve you. We drank Colt 45 in the winter because it had more alchol content, or so we thought. Kept in the trunk of my 69 Camaro. Mostly didn't freeze. RVZ
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    Scull Boat Hunting

    Fred, I am in Elkhart Indiana about 3 hours north of you. I have a LSB scull boat I purchased from Lou in 1985. I no longer use it and can make you a great deal. It got many years of use as a sculler, layout boat in open water and as a marsh boat. My first scull in this boat I shot a banded...
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    Maiden voyage today

    That is one nice restoration job. Enjoy. RVZ
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    First post and hello.!

    Shannon, Not controversial at all. Same thing in Michigan. I started hunting open water many years ago to get away from the crowds and still have virtually no one in my area hunt like I do. The Bass boats are here as long as there is open water. The ducks never get a chance to rest. RVZ
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    First post and hello.!

    Shannon, Welcome. I hunted Indiana waters in Lake Michigan out of one of those. Great boats. RVZ
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    NDR- Fishing Rod Guide Replacement

    Carl, I did this in 1965 with my Grandad on ice fishing poles. I can't offer any advice because I was 10 at the time. But, thanks for the memory. I now have his ice fishing poles and they have been used by 4 generations of ice fishermen. RVZ
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    NDR-The Fish Were Biting

    Carl, I went on a Grouper charter several years ago out of Indian River. The first one caught, this northern boy lipped it like a largemouth bass. Shredded my thumb. The old boy next to me laughed his ass off. Didn't know they had teeth. RVZ
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    wtb scull boat

    Zach, I have a Lock Stock and Barrel 16 ft Scull for sale in Indiana. Very similar to the newly produced TDB. I believe it was designed like the Merry Meeting Bay float.
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    What's on your work bench?-April

    Those nets are awesome. I would put one in the duck boat to retrieve dead ducks in open water. RVZ
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    Hearing Aids

    Again, if you have a Costco nearby it would be worth it to at least comparison shop their products. There is a lot of markup in the hearing aid world. RVZ
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    Change To Federal Mallard Pop Goal and Impact on Seasons

    Well, I remember the 30 days seasons and three daily bird limit. And then the point system along with steel shot. One hen mallard, closure on Canvasbacks and one Black Duck. None of this was perfect but at least they were trying to give us an opportunity to keep hunting every season. I...
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    Hearing Aids

    Don, Costco is the largest supplier of hearing aids in the nation. They sell their Costco brand or name brand manufacturers. They are excellent high quality devices. I am on my second pair and the features and warranty are top notch. Cost is around 1,200 to 1,500 with a 3 year replacement...
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    ok, i managed to connect my i phone to the page

    And how did you do this? I tried several weeks ago.
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    New England Birds....

    Thanks Jason, We don't get that type of duck on the Indiana / Michigan border. RVZ