Search results

  1. R

    August what's on your workbench

    The only blind in the world with a birdsmouth cut to attach the rafter to the top plate. Awesome RVZ
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    Gas-Oil ratio for 2 strokes

    Dave, I do the same thing. A witches brew of stabil, sea foam and ethanol free gas. Fill the 6 gallon tank after the season in January to keep moisture out and then relocate the fuel in my 4 Runner just before season in October and add fresh fuel with the brew. I run a 25 four stroke on my...
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    Starting to Look a Little Ducky

    Nice plot Blake. Do you flood any of it during the waterfowl season? RVZ
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    Steppenwolf - Born To Be Wild (Easy Rider) (1969)

    Dave, This is a timely post. I"m 66 years young and have the urge for a motorcycle again. I grew up riding Honda SL dirt bikes. Or I guess enduros. Street legal bikes that took us everywhere. All my friends both male and female rode and terrorized the neighborhood. We had trails in the...
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    Herters decoy line storage question.

    Ken, I bought 2 dozen 72 divers back in the eighties. The guy I bought them from had 20 feet of line with strap anchors wrapped around the head. It seemed to work for him. I removed the line and anchors and put them on long lines. Have you considered that? RVZ
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    A long shot

    Don, I have nine of these decoys with heads complete. After 30 years of service I don't know how I haven't lost at least one. They make great field decoys to bury a layout blind in. Good luck with your search. RVZ
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    Cooling system woes continue

    So Carl, will you be chasing Bluebill on Tampa Bay this fall? RVZ
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    Victor D-9-R decoys.

    Dale, Are those 72's still in foam or coated with something? If still original foam, they are in great shape after 25 years. RVZ
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    Summer Doldrums

    Hey Carl, You launching your boat or taking a charter? RVZ
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    Rehabbing a pair of Helmuth Rich Shelldrake

    Nice find Steve. I look forward to watching progress on your garage sale trophys. Aren't hens beamier by nature? RVZ
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    Eider Decline Research

    Jeff, The article says Eiders are harvested for their feathers. Being a Mississippi Flyway guy, I don't know much about Eiders, but do people besides hunters harvest them for feathers. Probably a dumb question. RVZ
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    A brief video of a local carver

    Steve, The shot of your workshop with the wildflowers is priceless. RVZ
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    What's on your WORK BENCH ? - APRIL 2022

    Ah ha. Didn't look close enough on my phone. Small picture. Nice Redhead. RVZ
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    What's on your WORK BENCH ? - APRIL 2022

    RL, What is the story on the banded can? Was it from this last season? RVZ
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    Starting to lay

    Hey Paul, They are fun to watch. I have three boxes in the creek behind my house. They haven't started to lay eggs yet, but they are checking the boxes. Had a Hoodie go in one yesterday morning. My plan to put a few more boxes out just got a jump start as I found a pile of 1x12x5 foot...
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    Tip toeing on the ice

    Carl. I walked the plank with my Granddad many times back in the 60's. Never thought anything of it back then. He had a steel spud with a T handle he carried to check the ice as we went. RVZ
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    What's on your WORK BENCH - MARCH 2022

    Love the Buffie Matt. RVZ
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    Duck Hunter Surveys

    Bred, Indiana and Michigan both require the survey questions be answered before the license transaction can be completed. It wasn't always that way in Michigan. I went toe to toe with a Michigan license agent years ago who didn't ask the HIP questions. I made him cancel the transaction and...
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    NDR: Offshore Fishin trip

    Carl, Did you go somewhere out of Tampa? I will be down there at the end of the month to visit my daughter. I have only pier fished with no luck. RVZ
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    Duck Hunter Surveys

    Thanks guys for all the responses. I have participated in the wing survey four times in 39 years of waterfowl hunting, and the state survey twice. Out of all the waterfowl hunters I know here in Indiana and Michigan, I have not encountered anyone else that was chosen for the sur veys. Brad, I'm...